Auto focus on the pdf document

Product: pdftron/webviewer

Product Version: 7.2.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
auto focus on the document loaded

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I am trying to use the up and down arrows inside the pdf viewer without having to click on the first one, but I have not been able then functionality for it with the library, is there any way to get auto focus on the document that way?

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I did a bit of testing with document.getElementById(“app”).focus(), it turns out that, the first click you described is required, as it is responsible for selecting the window it self, not the WebViewer iframe.

Best Regards,
Jason Hu
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Hello Jason,

I am facing the same issue, and I understand your explanation. Is there some solution though? Or a workaround that would allow us to automatically select the window itself?

Thanks in advance.