When adding an image annotation or a stamp, when saving, the stamp shows Draft instead of the image

The issue is that image is lost and not serialized on save. To avoid that, make sure you convert the image to a dataURL.

annotation.ImageData = document.getElementById("myCanvas").toDataURL();

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Hi @Andrey ,
One question, where should i do that? because i add the stamp or annotation but still having this problem.
I have my onSave ( to save it in the database ) like this :

const saveDocument = async () => {

	let name = '';
	let annotationsAdded = [];
	let file = null;
	let pages = 0;

	if (mediaFile) {
		const fileType = `${mediaFile.name.split('.').pop()}`;
		name = `${eventId}.${fileType}`;
		file = await fileToBlob(mediaFile);
	} else {
		const doc = instanceDocumentViewer.getDocument();
		pages = doc.getPageCount();
		const { annotationManager } = webViewer.Core;
		const xfdfString = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations();
		annotationsAdded = await annotationManager.getAnnotationsList();

		const data = await doc.getFileData({
			// saves the document with annotations in it //

		const arr = new Uint8Array(data);
		file = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' });
		name = `${eventId}.pdf`;

	const clerkId = getValueFromToken('clerk');
	const path = `/${clerkId}/${caseId}/${eventId}${
		annotationsAdded.length > 0 ? '/redacted' : ''

	const FormData = require('form-data');
	let formData = new FormData();
	formData.append('file', file);
	formData.append('path', path);
	formData.append('eventId', eventId);
	formData.append('pages', pages);
	const contentType = file.type;

	postDocument({ body: formData, url: postUrl, contentType: contentType })
		.then((response) => {
			if (response.status >= 400) {
			} else {
				!mediaFile && getDocumentSaved();

				if (mediaFile) {
					showAlertSuccessUpload({ name });
				} else {
						text: `${name} has been successfully uploaded.`,
						show: true,

		.catch((err) => {

What i am doing wrong?

Hello @alan.vera,

You would do so during programmatically adding annotations: PDFTron Systems Inc. | Documentation.

Let me know if that works.

Hi @Andrey ,

I’m doing like this, because i add the image from a modal, from outside the pdftron.

useEffect(() => {
if (imageSelection) {
const { Annotations, annotationManager } = webViewer.Core;
const stampAnnot = new Annotations.StampAnnotation();
stampAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
stampAnnot.X = 100;
stampAnnot.Y = 250;
stampAnnot.Width = 275;
stampAnnot.Height = 300;
const keepAsSVG = true;

		stampAnnot.setImageData(imageSelection, keepAsSVG);
		stampAnnot.Author = annotationManager.getCurrentUser();
		// stampAnnot.ImageData = document.getElementById("myCanvas").toDataURL();
}, [imageSelection]);

What is image selection?

stampAnnot.setImageData(imageSelection, keepAsSVG);

And you should uncomment that line?

stampAnnot.ImageData = document.getElementById("myCanvas").toDataURL();

@Andrey the imageSelection, is the image in base64

Could you provide a full sample code sample?

this is an UseEffect which change when the user select an image, ( imageSelection is a useState);

useEffect(() => {
	if (imageSelection) {
		const { Annotations, annotationManager } = webViewer.Core;
		const stampAnnot = new Annotations.StampAnnotation();
		stampAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
		stampAnnot.X = 100;
		stampAnnot.Y = 250;
		stampAnnot.Width = 275;
		stampAnnot.Height = 300;
		// const keepAsSVG = true;
		// stampAnnot.setImageData(imageSelection, keepAsSVG);
		stampAnnot.ImageData = imageSelection;
		stampAnnot.Author = annotationManager.getCurrentUser();

}, [imageSelection]);

@Andrey and then i have the saveDocument function :

const saveDocument = async () => {

	let name = '';
	let annotationsAdded = [];
	let file = null;
	let pages = 0;

	if (mediaFile) {
		const fileType = `${mediaFile.name.split('.').pop()}`;
		name = `${eventId}.${fileType}`;
		file = await fileToBlob(mediaFile);
	} else {
		const doc = instanceDocumentViewer.getDocument();
		pages = doc.getPageCount();
		const { annotationManager } = webViewer.Core;
		const xfdfString = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations();
		annotationsAdded = await annotationManager.getAnnotationsList();

		const data = await doc.getFileData({
			// saves the document with annotations in it

		const arr = new Uint8Array(data);
		file = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' });
		name = `${eventId}.pdf`;

	 * Path without annotations = /clerk/${caseId}/${eventId}/${eventId}.pdf
	 * Path with annotations = /clerk/${caseId}/${eventId}/redacted/${eventId}.filetype

	const clerkId = getValueFromToken('clerk');
	const path = `/${clerkId}/${caseId}/${eventId}${
		annotationsAdded.length > 0 ? '/redacted' : ''

	const FormData = require('form-data');
	let formData = new FormData();
	formData.append('file', file);
	formData.append('path', path);
	formData.append('eventId', eventId);
	formData.append('pages', pages);
	const contentType = file.type;

	postDocument({ body: formData, url: postUrl, contentType: contentType })
		.then((response) => {
			if (response.status >= 400) {
			} else {
				!mediaFile && getDocumentSaved();

				if (mediaFile) {
					showAlertSuccessUpload({ name });
				} else {
						text: `${name} has been successfully uploaded.`,
						show: true,

		.catch((err) => {


Thank you for the sample code, I don’t see any obvious problem in the simple code you sent, do you see anything in your browser console log when this fails?

Besides that, you mention that you are saving the document and sending it to a database. Do you know where in your process does the issue is take place (adding annotation, saving document, retrieving annotations from the)? Does the stamp appear after you do the addAnnotation and redrawAnnotation, and when in your process does it stop working? Thank you

Best Regards,

Andrew Yip

Software Developer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Hi @Andrew_Yip , yes it appear when i do the addannotation but when i save the document with the stamp or annotation, it appears with the background pink and it says DRAFT, and the image is not appears

Hello Everyone,

Has this issue been resolved ? The reason I am asking is because I am experiencing the exact same issue as described by alan.vera.

Here is the code snippet where I am setting the image data on the stamp annotation. I have also included a screen shot to show what that stamp annotation looks like when the document is downloaded showing DRAFT against a pink background, when instead it should be the image shown in the viewer.

Thanks for any advise you can provide.

David Baldwin,
Application Developer
Highmark, Inc.