.xlsx to .pdf page breaks

Following up on this ticket regarding the availability of the fix in an iOS build, the latest official PDFTron iOS SDK release, version 9.3.0, includes the fix.

This is still not working as expected.

let options = PTOfficeToPDFOptions()
options!.setApplyPageBreaks(toSheet: true)

PTConvert.office(toPDF: pdfDoc, in_filename: from, options: options)

If the page break is set, but the content is larger than the pdf page size, it will cut off any data instead of shrinking the data to fit on the page.

Thank you for getting back to us with that information.

To confirm, are you observing the undesired page-break behavior on iOS only, or for other Server-side platforms as well?

It is not working on iOS, I am not sure about service side.


We did check on our side the conversion of the Step 1.xlsx you sent and it is working as expected in terms of the column G and H have a proper page break.
Is this the same file you are experiencing the issue still?

Could you please check if you are using our latest PDFNet iOS v9.3.0.80119?
You can use our API PTPDFNet.GetVersion() to double check the versioning you are targeting.