var resourceURL = "/resource/"; window.CoreControls.forceBackendType("ems"); var urlSearch = new URLSearchParams(location.hash); var custom = JSON.parse(urlSearch.get("custom")); resourceURL = resourceURL + custom.namespacePrefix; /** * The following `window.CoreControls.set*` functions point WebViewer to the * optimized source code specific for the Salesforce platform, to ensure the * uploaded files stay under the 5mb limit */ // office workers window.CoreControls.setOfficeWorkerPath(resourceURL + "DIRSCORE__office"); window.CoreControls.setOfficeAsmPath(resourceURL + "DIRSCORE__office_asm"); window.CoreControls.setOfficeResourcePath(resourceURL + "DIRSCORE__office_resource"); // pdf workers window.CoreControls.setPDFResourcePath(resourceURL + "DIRSCORE__resource"); if (custom.fullAPI) { window.CoreControls.setPDFWorkerPath(resourceURL + "DIRSCORE__pdf_full"); window.CoreControls.setPDFAsmPath(resourceURL + "DIRSCORE__asm_full"); } else { window.CoreControls.setPDFWorkerPath(resourceURL + "DIRSCORE__pdf_lean"); 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const options = await PDFNet.createDiffOptions(); // instead of Annotations.Color, we can pass in an objects in the form {R: 200, G: 0, B: 0, A: 1} options.setColorA(redColor); options.setColorB(blueColor); //options.setBlendMode(5); return options; }; const init = async () => { CoreControls = window.CoreControls; Annotations = window.Annotations; CoreControls.enableFullPDF(true); await PDFNet.initialize(); }; function cssapply(element,color) { setTimeout(() => { let versionbtn = document.querySelector('[data-element='+element); if (versionbtn !== null && versionbtn !== undefined) { = "70px"; = color; } }, 2000); } window.addEventListener("viewerLoaded", async () => { readerControl.setReadOnly(true); await init(); let headerKey='';let headerVal=''; if(custom.comparedocdata[0].usesystemaccount) { headerKey="usesystemaccount"; headerVal='true'; } else if(custom.comparedocdata[0].userinfo!='') { headerKey="userinfo"; headerVal=custom.comparedocdata[0].userinfo; } else{ headerKey="userid"; headerVal=custom.comparedocdata[0].userid; } const doc1 = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.createFromURL( custom.comparedocdata[0].docContentURL, { filename: custom.comparedocdata[0].fileName, customHeaders: { // Authorization: custom.comparedocdata[0].authToken, tenantid: custom.comparedocdata[0].tenantid, client_id: custom.comparedocdata[0].client_id, client_secret: custom.comparedocdata[0].client_secret, [headerKey]:headerVal }, withCredentials: false } ); if(custom.comparedocdata[1].usesystemaccount) { headerKey="usesystemaccount"; headerVal='true'; } else if(custom.comparedocdata[1].userinfo!='') { headerKey="userinfo"; headerVal=custom.comparedocdata[1].userinfo; } else{ headerKey="userid"; headerVal=custom.comparedocdata[1].userid; } const doc2 = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.createFromURL( custom.comparedocdata[1].docContentURL, { filename: custom.comparedocdata[1].fileName, customHeaders: { // Authorization: custom.comparedocdata[1].authToken, tenantid: custom.comparedocdata[1].tenantid, client_id: custom.comparedocdata[1].client_id, client_secret: custom.comparedocdata[1].client_secret, [headerKey]:headerVal }, withCredentials: false } ); 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