[16:52:39:130]: ConverterCoreLight: PdfConverterCreate(...) [16:52:39:131]: apiSet::apiSet() - Fake loading of empty api set [16:52:39:131]: ConverterCoreLight: PdfConverterCreate(0x0x52a8810) [16:52:39:131]: < ConverterCoreLight::ConvertFromFileList > [16:52:39:131]: < CFileConverter::ConvertFromPathFileList > [16:52:39:131]: CServerActivationProcessorR1::IsActionAvailable returns 0 [16:52:39:132]: < CFileConverter::OnProcessFile > [16:52:39:132]: < CSolidApplication::NewDocument() > [16:52:39:133]: [16:52:39:133]: strSrc: /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf [16:52:39:133]: strDst: /usr/webapps/frrnas/convert/out/AI Juni 2024_895462be-fe06-4927-ad6f-3cc369a203f6_5cc0e667-3b2c-414b-bc2e-0a95c9d64b04.docx [16:52:39:133]: m_ipExternalDataBase = 0 [16:52:39:133]: It's not external database. pDocInfo = 0x52af5f0 [16:52:39:133]: CFileConverter::ProcessFile( ). Database type (pDocInfo->m_enType) = 0 [16:52:39:133]: pFilter: 0x52a9530 [16:52:39:133]: Loading /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf [16:52:39:134]: SolidFramework Converter Options: pdfToWordConverter.AverageCharacterScaling = true; // converter.options.average.character.scaling = 1; pdfToWordConverter.GraphicsAsImages = false; // converter.options.convert.graphics.to.image = 0; pdfToWordConverter.DetectLanguage = true; // converter.options.detect.language = 1; pdfToWordConverter.DetectLists = true; // converter.options.detect.lists = 1; pdfToWordConverter.DetectSoftHyphens = false; // converter.options.detect.softhyphens = 0; pdfToWordConverter.DetectStyles = true; // converter.options.detect.styles = 1; pdfToWordConverter.DetectTables = true; // converter.options.detect.tables = 1; pdfToWordConverter.DetectTaggedTables = true; // converter.options.detect.tagged.tables = 1; pdfToWordConverter.DetectToc = true; // converter.options.detect.toc = 1; pdfToWordConverter.EmbedFontsMode = EmbedFontsMode.NoFontEmbedding; // converter.options.embed.fonts.mode = 0; pdfToWordConverter.OutputDirectory = ""; // converter.options.extract.image.path pdfToWordConverter.DetectTiledPages = true; // converter.options.extracttables.detect.tiled.pages = 1; pdfToWordConverter.FootnotesMode = FootnotesMode.Ignore; // FN_DoNotDetect, converter.options.footnotes = 1; pdfToWordConverter.TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse = TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.Logos|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.Styles|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.Icons|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.Symbols|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.Barcodes|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.Ligatures|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.ExoticLigatures|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.AllCaps|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.SmallCaps|TextRecoveryAutomaticGNse.AlphaNum // converter.options.gnse.automatic = 2047; pdfToWordConverter.HeaderAndFooterMode = HeaderAndFooterMode.Detect; // HFO_Detect, converter.options.headers.and.footers = 0; pdfToWordConverter.ImageAnchoringMode = ImageAnchoringMode.Automatic; // IPO_AnchoringAuto, converter.options.image.anchoring = 1; pdfToWordConverter.ImageWatermark.Path = ""; // converter.options.image.trial.watermark.file.name pdfToWordConverter.KeepBackgroundColorText = false; // converter.options.keep.background.color.text = 0; pdfToWordConverter.KeepInvisibleText = false; // converter.options.keep.invisible.text = 0; pdfToWordConverter.MarkupAnnotConversionType = MarkupAnnotConversionType.Comment; // MA_COMMENT, converter.options.markup.annotation.conversion.type = 2; pdfToWordConverter.MergeParagraphIndents = true; // converter.options.merge.paragraph.indents = 1; pdfToWordConverter.TextRecoveryEngineNse = TextRecoveryEngineNse.Automatic; // converter.options.nse.engine = 0; pdfToWordConverter.TextRecoveryEngine = TextRecoveryEngine.Automatic; // converter.options.ocr.engine = 0; pdfToWordConverter.TextRecoveryLanguage = "au"; // converter.options.ocr.language pdfToWordConverter.TextRecoverySuspects = false; // converter.options.ocr.suspects = 0; pdfToWordConverter.AutoRotate = true; // converter.options.page.auto.rotation = 1; pdfToWordConverter.PageRange = "all"; // converter.options.page.range pdfToWordConverter.Password = ""; // converter.options.pwd pdfToWordConverter.ReconstructionMode = ReconstructionMode.Flowing; // converter.options.reconstruction.mode = 0; pdfToWordConverter.SupportRightToLeftWritingDirection = true; // converter.options.support.rtl.writing.direction = 1; pdfToWordConverter.OutputType = WordDocumentType.DocX; // PDF_TF_DOCX, converter.options.target.format = 7; pdfToWordConverter.OutputDirectory = ""; // converter.options.target.path pdfToWordConverter.TextRecoveryType = TextRecoveryType.Automatic; // converter.options.use.ocr = 2; pdfToWordConverter.TextRecoveryNseType = TextRecoveryNseType.Automatic; // converter.options.use.ocr.for.nse = 2; // Options that have no effect for the current ConvertMode/OutputType: // xxxConverter.OutputType.Color = ImageDocumentType.Default; // converter.options.extract.image.color.image.type = 0; // xxxConverter.OutputType.Mono = ImageDocumentType.Default; // converter.options.extract.image.mono.image.type = 0; // xxxConverter.LineLength = 100; // converter.options.extract.text.line.length = 100; // xxxConverter.SingleTable = ExcelTablesOnSheet.PlaceEachTableOnOwnSheet; // ETCS_PlaceEachTableOnOwnSheet, converter.options.extracttables.createsingle = 0; // xxxConverter.TablesFromContent = false; // converter.options.extracttables.useentirecontent = 0; // xxxConverter.Navigation = HtmlNavigation.SingleWithoutNavigation; // HTML_NAV_NoNavigation, converter.options.html.compose.navigation = 0; // xxxConverter.Images = HtmlImages.Link; // HTML_IE_LINK, converter.options.html.image.export = 0; // xxxConverter.ImageType = ImageDocumentType.Default; // converter.options.html.image.format = 0; // xxxConverter.WidthLimit = 0; // converter.options.html.image.width.limit = 0; // xxxConverter.KeepLineBreaks = 0; // converter.options.keep.line.breaks = 0; // xxxConverter.AutoDetectSeparators = false; // converter.options.numerics.autodetectseparators = 0; // xxxConverter.DecimalSeparator = converter.options.numerics.decimalseparator = ""; // xxxConverter.ThousandsSeparator = converter.options.numerics.thousandseparator = ""; Internal Converter Options: coreModel.ConvertMode = ConvertMode.Document; // PDF_CM_CONVERT, converter.options.convert.mode = 0; automatically set by converters, manually set for CoreModel.Create /converter.options.docx.graphic.object.writing.mode = 0; /converter.options.msword.compatibility.version = 0; pdfToWordConverter.OverwriteMode = eReplaceAction.RAForceOverwrite; // converter.options.replace.action = 1; handled at a higher level in API so always 'overwrite' here // Options that have no effect for the current ConvertMode/OutputType: // xxxConverter./converter.options.html.image.path = ""; handled at a higher level in API, not user configurable Callback Event Options: /converter.warning.cjk.font = 1; /converter.warning.insufficient.extract.permissions = 1; /converter.warning.insufficient.office.version = 1; /converter.warning.invalid.password = 1; /converter.warning.no.icm.profile = 1; /converter.warning.no.text = 1; /converter.warning.symbolic.font = 1; /converter.warning.symbolic.font.ocr = 1; Legacy Options: pdfToWordConverter.KeepCharacterSpacing = true; // converter.options.char.spacing = 1; should always be set to 'true' /converter.options.close.progress.dlg = 2; /converter.options.launch.viewer = 0; /converter.options.prompt.for.pwd = 0; [16:52:39:134]: < CSolidApplication::LoadDocument(..) > [16:52:39:134]: CPdfFilter::GetImportObj( ) - start [16:52:39:134]: Pointer to database = 52af5f0 [16:52:39:134]: CPdfFilter::GetImportObj( ). Database type (rInfo->m_enType) = 0 [16:52:39:134]: CPdfFilter::GetImportObj( ). It's not external database [16:52:39:134]: < CPdfDocument::CPdfDocument > [16:52:39:134]: call SolidOCR::ISolidOCREngine::InitializeOCREngine [16:52:39:135]: COCRSession::InitOCREngine - libocr_modi.so engine creation failed [16:52:39:135]: CServerActivationProcessorR1::IsActionAvailable returns 0 [16:52:39:135]: SolidOCR::ISolidOCREngine::InitOCREngine - libocr_solid.so engine creation success [16:52:39:135]: [16:52:39:135]: CPdfFileDocument::CPdfFileDocument( ) - start [16:52:39:135]: MIP is disabled [16:52:39:135]: < CPdfFileImportBase::PreLoadFile( ) > [16:52:39:135]: CPdfFileImportBase::PreLoadFile( ). File name is "/tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf" [16:52:39:135]: [16:52:39:135]: CPdfFileDocument::CPdfFileDocument( ) - finish [16:52:39:135]: MIP is disabled [16:52:39:135]: CPdfFilter::GetImportObj( ). pSolidImport = 53b1ad8 [16:52:39:135]: CPdfFilter::GetImportObj( ) - finish [16:52:39:135]: < CPdfDocument::Run > [16:52:39:135]: MIP is disabled [16:52:39:135]: _SafeRun() - start. [16:52:39:135]: CPdfDocument::_Run() - start. [16:52:39:135]: CPdfType1Font::CreateBuiltInFont( ) - start. [16:52:39:148]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:39:148]: < CFontsListHelper::BuildAllAvailableFontsList > [16:52:39:178]: validateRecalcAscentDescent Ascent: 1.055 -> 1.055 Descent: 0.552 -> 0.552 FntName: STIX [16:52:39:197]: validateRecalcAscentDescent Ascent: 1.023 -> 1.023 Descent: 0.486 -> 0.486 FntName: STIX [16:52:39:271]: validateRecalcAscentDescent Ascent: 0.484 -> 0.484 Descent: 0.517 -> 0.518 FntName: Cursor [16:52:39:523]: [16:52:39:523]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: Times New Roman ;PitchNFamily 12 ;Bold: 400 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Nimbus Roman ; [16:52:39:523]: <<<<<NimbusRoman-Regular>>>>>> [16:52:39:523]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.891113, descent 0.216309, height 1.1499 [16:52:39:523]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:39:523]: NimbusRoman-Regular (Exotic, serif-unknown, from OS) [16:52:39:523]: weight 0x092048d9, ascent 1.053, descent 0.281, height 1.334, count 226 [16:52:39:523]: NimbusRoman-Regular (Exotic, serif-unknown, from OS) [16:52:39:523]: weight 0x092048d9, ascent 1.053, descent 0.281, height 1.334, count 226 [16:52:39:523]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:39:523]: weight 0x091e96eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 226 [16:52:39:523]: End subst font dump. [16:52:39:523]: [16:52:39:526]: CPdfSubstFontInfo::FindFontSubstitution() font metrics : Height = 1.334 Ascent= 1.053 Descent= 0.281. [16:52:39:527]: < CPdfType1Font::CreateBuiltInFont() > [16:52:39:527]: [16:52:39:528]: CPdfType1Font::CreateBuiltInFont( ) - finish. [16:52:39:528]: CPdfDocument::_Run(). Initialize a default font - start. [16:52:39:528]: < CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily() > [16:52:39:528]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: Times New Roman ;PitchNFamily 2 ;Bold: 400 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: DejaVu Sans ; [16:52:39:528]: <<<<<DejaVuSans>>>>>> [16:52:39:528]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.891113, descent 0.216309, height 1.1499 [16:52:39:528]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:39:528]: DejaVuSans (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:39:528]: weight 0x093054f0, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 1 [16:52:39:528]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:39:528]: weight 0x093054eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 1 [16:52:39:528]: DejaVuSans-ExtraLight (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:39:528]: weight 0x093053ed, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 1 [16:52:39:528]: End subst font dump. [16:52:39:528]: [16:52:39:531]: CPdfSubstFontInfo::FindFontSubstitution() font metrics : Height = 1.16406 Ascent= 0.928223 Descent= 0.23584. [16:52:39:532]: < CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily() > [16:52:39:532]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: Times New Roman ;PitchNFamily 2 ;Bold: 400 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: DejaVu Sans ; [16:52:39:532]: <<<<<DejaVuSans>>>>>> [16:52:39:532]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.891113, descent 0.216309, height 1.1499 [16:52:39:532]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:39:532]: DejaVuSans (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:39:532]: weight 0x093054f0, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 1 [16:52:39:532]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:39:532]: weight 0x093054eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 1 [16:52:39:532]: DejaVuSans-ExtraLight (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:39:532]: weight 0x093053ed, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 1 [16:52:39:532]: End subst font dump. [16:52:39:532]: [16:52:39:532]: < CSolidSubstitutionPhysicalFont::InitFromSubstFontInfo() > [16:52:39:532]: [16:52:39:532]: CPdfDocument::_Run(). Initialize a default font - finish. [16:52:39:532]: CPdfDocument::_Run(). RenderPDFInfo() - start [16:52:39:533]: Year 2024, Month 1, day 19 [16:52:39:533]: CPdfDocument::_Run(). RenderPDFInfo() - finish [16:52:39:533]: CPdfDocument::_Run(). RenderPDFDocument() - start [16:52:39:533]: < CPdfDocumentImplEx::RenderPDFDocument() > [16:52:39:533]: < CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration() > [16:52:39:534]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:39:534]: [16:52:39:534]: < CPdfDocument::ProcessOCRPipeline () > [16:52:39:534]: CSdocOCREngine::ConfigurePipeLine() Enabled - WorkingSet=17012.0GB PhysicalAvailable=57531972.0GB slotsPerStage=12 threadsPerCGMStage=6 threadsPerOCRStage=6 concurrency=6 [16:52:39:535]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:39:547]: CPdfFont::LoadFont - Multibyte ToUnicode CMap that is not allowed for single byte font: GUWNNY+FrutigerforZKB-Black . It should be ignored. [16:52:39:561]: CPdfSolidOcrEngine::GetPageImage () - File: /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf - processing scanned page # 1. Rendered image. [16:52:40:672]: < CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily() > [16:52:40:672]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerforZKBBlack ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 700 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: FFrutiger for ZKB Black ; [16:52:40:672]: <<<<<FrutigerforZKB-Black>>>>>> [16:52:40:672]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211 [16:52:40:672]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:40:672]: FrutigerforZKB-Black (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:40:672]: weight 0x0b347fe3, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 1 [16:52:40:672]: FrutigerForZKB-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:40:672]: weight 0x0930f1e7, ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183, count 1 [16:52:40:672]: DejaVuSans-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:40:672]: weight 0x0930a1ef, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 1 [16:52:40:672]: End subst font dump. [16:52:40:672]: [16:52:40:674]: CPdfSubstFontInfo::FindFontSubstitution() font metrics : Height = 1.211 Ascent= 0.961 Descent= 0.25. [16:52:40:729]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:729]: < CPdfSolidOcrEngine::ProcessFullCGM () > [16:52:40:729]: < CSolidOcrEngine::DoCGMOnly(..) > [16:52:40:729]: < CSolidOcrEngine::DoCGMOnly () - CGM > [16:52:40:729]: < SolidCGMImage::SolidCGMImage() > [16:52:40:729]: SolidCGMImage::SolidCGMImage() Original CxImage: 2726 (300dpi) x 3553 (300dpi) 4Bpp [16:52:40:732]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:733]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:734]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:737]: BYTEChunkBuffer[0]: allocated 256MB buffer [16:52:40:741]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:742]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:742]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:752]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:759]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:765]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:766]: [16:52:40:766]: < SolidCGMImage::Process() > [16:52:40:766]: SolidCGMImage::Process() with m_type == CXIMAGEPLUS_TYPE_COLORORBETTER [16:52:40:767]: SolidCGMImage::Process() with m_sortOrder == CXIMAGEPLUS_ORDER_IVT1 [16:52:40:767]: SolidCGMImage::Process() with m_pageNumber == 1 [16:52:40:767]: SolidCGMImage::Process() with m_fromVectors == true [16:52:40:767]: SolidCGMImage::Process() with m_forOCR == true [16:52:40:767]: SolidCGMImage::Process() with m_searchableText == false [16:52:40:767]: < SolidCGMImage::ProcessOCR() > [16:52:40:770]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:779]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:785]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:786]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:786]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:792]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:797]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:801]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:805]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:812]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:818]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:826]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:832]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:832]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:833]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:834]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:838]: CPdfDocument::PreProcessPDFPagesConfiguration(): Creator='EidosMedia Methode 7.0' [16:52:40:863]: SolidCGMImage::ResampleReasonableDPIOriginal() 36.0MB (300dpi) -> ok [16:52:40:880]: < SolidCGMImage::ProcessOCRComponent(..) > [16:52:42:065]: [16:52:42:065]: [16:52:42:073]: [16:52:42:078]: [16:52:42:079]: [16:52:42:079]: [16:52:42:079]: < CPdfSolidOcrEngine::ProcessFullOCR () > [16:52:42:079]: < CSolidOcrEngine::DoOCROnly () > [16:52:42:079]: < CSolidOcrEngine::DoOCR () - pComposite > [16:52:42:082]: < CSdocOCRResults::ProcessImage() > [16:52:42:083]: CSdocOCRResults::ProcessImage() - option ocrLanguage = 'au' [16:52:43:310]: < OcrShapeParagraphs::DetectLanguage(..) > [16:52:43:311]: [16:52:43:332]: [16:52:43:332]: [16:52:43:332]: [16:52:43:332]: [16:52:43:332]: < CPdfSolidOcrEngine::ProcessCGMOnly () > [16:52:43:332]: [16:52:43:332]: < CPdfSolidOcrEngine::ProcessSearchableCGMOnly () > [16:52:43:332]: [16:52:43:332]: < CPdfSolidOcrEngine::ProcessApplyResults () > [16:52:43:332]: < CPdfOcrEngineBase::ApplyFullOCRResults() > [16:52:43:440]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:43:440]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: Arial Black ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 900 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: DejaVu Sans Bold ; [16:52:43:440]: <<<<<<->DejaVuSans-Bold>>>>>> [16:52:43:440]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:43:440]: DejaVuSans-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:43:440]: weight 0x09307fef, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 16 [16:52:43:440]: DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:43:440]: weight 0x09307fea, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 16 [16:52:43:440]: FrutigerForZKB-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:43:440]: weight 0x09307fe7, ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183, count 16 [16:52:43:440]: End subst font dump. [16:52:43:440]: [16:52:43:440]: CPdfDocPageOCR::MakeNewFont - Trying subst font : DejaVu Sans [16:52:43:441]: < CPdfPageResource::AddPdfFont() > [16:52:43:441]: < CPdfType0Font::CreateType0Font() > [16:52:43:444]: [16:52:43:444]: [16:52:43:445]: ApplyFullOCRResults? page=1, nWordCount=3, nCharacterCount=26, nRegionCount=5, nImageRegionCount=3, averageWordLength=8.7 perNonImageRegions=40.0 bVisibleText bVectorText Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf -> Images [16:52:43:445]: [16:52:43:445]: [16:52:43:445]: < CPdfSolidOcrEngine::ProcessAutoRotate () > [16:52:43:445]: [16:52:43:449]: CPdfDocument::ProcessOCRPipeline() - Memory: PeakWorkingSet=960.0GB PhysicalAvailable=57531972.0GB [16:52:43:449]: [16:52:43:449]: < CPdfDocument::FinalizeScanPDFPage() > [16:52:43:449]: < CPdfOcrEngineBase::FinalizeCreatedFonts() > [16:52:43:451]: Finalized Font [16:52:43:451]: Deleted Font [16:52:43:451]: [16:52:43:451]: [16:52:43:451]: CPdfDocumentImplEx::RenderPDFDocument() - Rendering PDF Page collection. [16:52:45:531]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:540]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:623]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:666]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:701]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:739]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:45:739]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:45:739]: [16:52:45:745]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:750]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:839]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:886]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:45:887]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=147, absorbCount=0 [16:52:45:887]: [16:52:45:913]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:45:951]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:45:951]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:45:951]: [16:52:45:967]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:015]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:015]: [16:52:46:016]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:016]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:016]: [16:52:46:016]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:017]: [16:52:46:017]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:017]: [16:52:46:043]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:078]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:078]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:078]: [16:52:46:108]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:148]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:148]: [16:52:46:149]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:149]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:149]: [16:52:46:149]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:149]: [16:52:46:149]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:149]: [16:52:46:173]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:220]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:220]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:221]: [16:52:46:226]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:231]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:253]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:284]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:284]: [16:52:46:285]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:285]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=4, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:285]: [16:52:46:285]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:285]: [16:52:46:285]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::SplitRectanglesToLines > [16:52:46:285]: [16:52:46:299]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:328]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:328]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=2, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:328]: [16:52:46:342]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:380]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:380]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:380]: [16:52:46:392]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:431]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:431]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:431]: [16:52:46:453]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:502]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:503]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:503]: [16:52:46:518]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:556]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:556]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:556]: [16:52:46:583]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:638]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:638]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=5, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:638]: [16:52:46:656]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:664]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:700]: < CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) > [16:52:46:700]: CPdfAdvPageRender::MergeFilledRectanglesManyBackgrounds(..) mergeCount=1, absorbCount=0 [16:52:46:700]: [16:52:46:704]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:706]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:715]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:772]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:802]: UseNSEOCR = 1. Page PageOCRedAndNoVisibleText = 0. OCROption = 2 [16:52:46:805]: CPdfDocumentImplEx::RenderPDFDocument() - Type3Font BBox correction. [16:52:46:808]: CPdfDocumentImplEx::RenderPDFDocument() - Building font substitution list. [16:52:46:810]: Font UWEAEN+FrutigerforZKB-Black, serif balance -3, char count 6 (u0049, u006e, u0068, u0061, u006c, u0074, u0041, u0067, u0065, u0072, u0069, u006f) [16:52:46:810]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:810]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerforZKBBlack ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 700 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: FFrutiger for ZKB Black ; [16:52:46:810]: <<<<<FrutigerforZKB-Black->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:810]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211 [16:52:46:810]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:810]: FrutigerforZKB-Black (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:810]: weight 0x0b3535e3, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 12 [16:52:46:810]: FrutigerForZKB-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:810]: weight 0x0931a7e7, ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183, count 12 [16:52:46:810]: DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:810]: weight 0x093159ea, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 12 [16:52:46:810]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:810]: [16:52:46:810]: < CSolidSubstitutionPhysicalFont::InitFromSubstFontInfo() > [16:52:46:810]: [16:52:46:810]: Font XMPJCC+FrutigerforZKB-Roman, serif balance -43, char count 82 (u00e4, u00fc, u00f6, u2019, u00e9, u00dc, u00c4, u00f1, u00a9, u0033, u0034, u0038, u0039, u0031, u0030, u0032 ... ) [16:52:46:810]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:811]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerforZKBRoman ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 400 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Roman ; [16:52:46:811]: <<<<<FrutigerforZKB-Roman->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:811]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211 [16:52:46:811]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:811]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:811]: weight 0x0b3700e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 82 [16:52:46:811]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:811]: weight 0x0931a5e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 82 [16:52:46:811]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:811]: weight 0x09315eeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 82 [16:52:46:811]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:811]: [16:52:46:812]: CPdfSubstFontInfo::FindFontSubstitution() font metrics : Height = 1.211 Ascent= 0.961 Descent= 0.25. [16:52:46:813]: < CSolidSubstitutionPhysicalFont::InitFromSubstFontInfo() > [16:52:46:813]: [16:52:46:813]: Font HKPGMH+FrutigerForZKB-Bold, serif balance -37, char count 69 (u00e4, u00dc, u00fc, u00ab, u00bb, u00f6, u0056, u006f, u0072, u0077, u0074, u0057, u0069, u0073, u0063, u0068 ... ) [16:52:46:813]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:813]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKB ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 700 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Bold ; [16:52:46:813]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Bold->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:813]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183 [16:52:46:813]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:813]: FrutigerForZKB-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:813]: weight 0x0b3700e7, ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183, count 69 [16:52:46:813]: FrutigerforZKB-Black (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:813]: weight 0x093192e3, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 69 [16:52:46:813]: DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:813]: weight 0x093170ea, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 69 [16:52:46:813]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:813]: [16:52:46:815]: CPdfSubstFontInfo::FindFontSubstitution() font metrics : Height = 1.183 Ascent= 0.933 Descent= 0.25. [16:52:46:815]: < CSolidSubstitutionPhysicalFont::InitFromSubstFontInfo() > [16:52:46:815]: [16:52:46:815]: Font ZMLMFE+FrutigerforZKB-Roman, serif balance -11, char count 14 (u00e4, u00fc, u00f6, u2019, u00e9, u00dc, u00c4, u00f1, u00a9, u0053, u006b, u0079, u006c, u0069, u006e, u0065 ... ) [16:52:46:815]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:816]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerforZKBRoman ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 400 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Roman ; [16:52:46:816]: <<<<<FrutigerforZKB-Roman->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:816]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211 [16:52:46:816]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:816]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:816]: weight 0x0b352ae1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 82 [16:52:46:816]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:816]: weight 0x093194e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 82 [16:52:46:816]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:816]: weight 0x093150eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 82 [16:52:46:816]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:816]: [16:52:46:816]: Font IRWNIY+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -39, char count 71 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0043, u0069, u0074, u0067, u0072, u006f, u0075, u0070, u0045, u0063 ... ) [16:52:46:816]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:816]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:816]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:816]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:816]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:817]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:817]: weight 0x0b353fe5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:817]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:817]: weight 0x093174e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:817]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:817]: weight 0x093172eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:817]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:817]: [16:52:46:818]: CPdfSubstFontInfo::FindFontSubstitution() font metrics : Height = 1.177 Ascent= 0.927 Descent= 0.25. [16:52:46:819]: < CSolidSubstitutionPhysicalFont::InitFromSubstFontInfo() > [16:52:46:819]: [16:52:46:819]: Font GUWNNY+FrutigerforZKB-Black, serif balance -8, char count 11 (u0041, u006e, u006c, u0061, u0067, u0065, u0049, u0074, u0072, u0069, u006f, u0068) [16:52:46:819]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:819]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerforZKBBlack ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 700 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: FFrutiger for ZKB Black ; [16:52:46:819]: <<<<<FrutigerforZKB-Black->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:819]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211 [16:52:46:819]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:819]: FrutigerforZKB-Black (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:819]: weight 0x0b36ffe3, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 12 [16:52:46:819]: FrutigerForZKB-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:819]: weight 0x0931aee7, ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183, count 12 [16:52:46:819]: DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:819]: weight 0x093160ea, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 12 [16:52:46:819]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:819]: [16:52:46:819]: Font QXNZLG+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -23, char count 34 (u00e4, u00dc, u00fc, u00f6, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0032, u0030, u0031, u0035, u004d, u0072, u0041, u0070, u0061 ... ) [16:52:46:819]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:820]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:820]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:820]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:820]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:820]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:820]: weight 0x0b3532e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:820]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:820]: weight 0x093169eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:820]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:820]: weight 0x093167e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:820]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:820]: [16:52:46:820]: Font DGWPBT+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -17, char count 28 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u002e, u0025, u0032, u0034, u0036, u0038, u0031, u0055, u0053 ... ) [16:52:46:820]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:820]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:820]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:820]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:820]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:820]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:820]: weight 0x0b3533e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:820]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:820]: weight 0x093169eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:820]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:820]: weight 0x093169e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:820]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:820]: [16:52:46:821]: Font RWBLNS+FrutigerForZKB-Bold, serif balance -9, char count 12 (u00e4, u00dc, u00fc, u00ab, u00bb, u00f6, u004a, u002e, u0043, u0048, u0044, u0045, u0049, u0054, u0055, u004b ... ) [16:52:46:821]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:821]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKB ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 700 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Bold ; [16:52:46:821]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Bold->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:821]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183 [16:52:46:821]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:821]: FrutigerForZKB-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:821]: weight 0x0b352fe7, ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183, count 69 [16:52:46:821]: FrutigerforZKB-Black (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:821]: weight 0x09317fe3, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 69 [16:52:46:821]: DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:821]: weight 0x093161ea, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 69 [16:52:46:821]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:821]: [16:52:46:821]: Font ADEUGU+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -8, char count 12 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0031, u002d, u0030, u002e, u0033, u0032, u0034, u0035, u0037, u0036 ... ) [16:52:46:821]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:822]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:822]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:822]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:822]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:822]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:822]: weight 0x0b352fe5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:822]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:822]: weight 0x093166eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:822]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:822]: weight 0x093164e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:822]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:822]: [16:52:46:822]: Font UMOQCD+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -12, char count 22 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0034, u002e, u0030, u0025, u0032, u0036, u0038, u0035, u002f, u0033 ... ) [16:52:46:822]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:822]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:822]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:822]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:822]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:822]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:822]: weight 0x0b3534e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:822]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:822]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:822]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:822]: weight 0x093169e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:822]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:822]: [16:52:46:823]: Font RUBETO+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -17, char count 25 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0031, u0030, u0035, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0036, u0037, u0038, u0039 ... ) [16:52:46:823]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:823]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:823]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:823]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:823]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:823]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:823]: weight 0x0b3531e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:823]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:823]: weight 0x093168eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:823]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:823]: weight 0x093165e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:823]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:823]: [16:52:46:823]: Font KYXHOA+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -30, char count 44 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0039, u0030, u0035, u0031, u0032, u0036, u0037, u0038, u0043, u0048 ... ) [16:52:46:823]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:824]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:824]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:824]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:824]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:824]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:824]: weight 0x0b3539e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:824]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:824]: weight 0x09316deb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:824]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:824]: weight 0x09316de1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:824]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:824]: [16:52:46:824]: Font CHWDVM+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -27, char count 40 (u00fc, u00d6, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u0030, u0032, u0034, u0036, u0038, u0055, u0053, u0041, u0069, u006e ... ) [16:52:46:824]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:824]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:824]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:824]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:824]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:824]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:824]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:824]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:824]: weight 0x09316beb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:824]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:824]: weight 0x09316ae1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:825]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:825]: [16:52:46:825]: Font XXRDRY+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -20, char count 27 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0025, u0035, u0031, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0038, u0037, u0047 ... ) [16:52:46:825]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:825]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:825]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:825]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:825]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:825]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:825]: weight 0x0b3534e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:825]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:825]: weight 0x093169eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:825]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:825]: weight 0x093169e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:825]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:825]: [16:52:46:825]: Font XLMNDQ+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -17, char count 26 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0038, u0035, u0039, u0030, u0031, u0032, u002f, u0033, u0034, u0036 ... ) [16:52:46:825]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:826]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:826]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:826]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:826]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:826]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:826]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:826]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:826]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:826]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:826]: weight 0x09316ae1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:826]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:826]: [16:52:46:826]: Font TUKWAG+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -17, char count 27 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0032, u0025, u0030, u0034, u0036, u0038, u0031, u002f, u0037 ... ) [16:52:46:826]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:826]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:826]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:826]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:826]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:826]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:826]: weight 0x0b3534e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:826]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:826]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:826]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:827]: weight 0x093168e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:827]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:827]: [16:52:46:827]: Font MLEJUU+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -16, char count 21 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0031, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0035, u0036, u0037, u0038, u0039 ... ) [16:52:46:827]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:827]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:827]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:827]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:827]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:827]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:827]: weight 0x0b3533e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:827]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:827]: weight 0x093168eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:827]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:827]: weight 0x093167e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:827]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:827]: [16:52:46:827]: Font KWCIBX+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -16, char count 25 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0038, u0030, u0039, u0031, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0035, u0036, u002f ... ) [16:52:46:827]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:828]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:828]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:828]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:828]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:828]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:828]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:828]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:828]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:828]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:828]: weight 0x093169e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:828]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:828]: [16:52:46:828]: Font UBUMEN+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -19, char count 27 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0032, u0034, u0036, u0038, u0031, u0043, u0068, u0069, u006e ... ) [16:52:46:828]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:828]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:828]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:828]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:828]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:828]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:828]: weight 0x0b3531e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:828]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:828]: weight 0x093168eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:828]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:829]: weight 0x093165e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:829]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:829]: [16:52:46:829]: Font MEYATD+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -22, char count 32 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0032, u002e, u0030, u0025, u0031, u0033, u0035, u0038, u0034 ... ) [16:52:46:829]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:829]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:829]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:829]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:829]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:829]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:829]: weight 0x0b3536e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:829]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:829]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:829]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:829]: weight 0x093169e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:829]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:829]: [16:52:46:829]: Font RMYDIA+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -17, char count 23 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0032, u0030, u0035, u0033, u0034, u0036, u0037, u0031, u0039, u0050 ... ) [16:52:46:829]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:830]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:830]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:830]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:830]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:830]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:830]: weight 0x0b3531e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:830]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:830]: weight 0x093168eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:830]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:830]: weight 0x093165e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:830]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:830]: [16:52:46:830]: Font JXLOGH+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -24, char count 36 (u00f6, u00fc, u00e4, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0036, u0030, u0034, u0032, u0031, u0035, u0037, u0039, u0033 ... ) [16:52:46:830]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:830]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:830]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:830]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:830]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:830]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:830]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:831]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:831]: weight 0x09316beb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:831]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:831]: weight 0x09316be1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:831]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:831]: [16:52:46:831]: Font IQFMZH+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -12, char count 22 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0030, u002e, u0034, u0025, u0032, u0036, u0038, u0031, u0033 ... ) [16:52:46:831]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:831]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:831]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:831]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:831]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:831]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:831]: weight 0x0b3532e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:831]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:831]: weight 0x093168eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:831]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:831]: weight 0x093167e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:831]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:831]: [16:52:46:831]: Font LVIHJO+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -15, char count 22 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0031, u0025, u0030, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0035, u0037, u0036 ... ) [16:52:46:831]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:832]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:832]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:832]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:832]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:832]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:832]: weight 0x0b3532e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:832]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:832]: weight 0x093168eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:832]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:832]: weight 0x093166e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:832]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:832]: [16:52:46:832]: Font UVSUYO+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -7, char count 10 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0036, u0030, u0035, u0034, u0033, u0032, u0031, u0038, u0037 ... ) [16:52:46:832]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:832]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:832]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:832]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:832]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:832]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:832]: weight 0x0b352fe5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:832]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:832]: weight 0x093166eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:833]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:833]: weight 0x093163e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:833]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:833]: [16:52:46:833]: Font YPAYUL+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -18, char count 26 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0032, u0034, u0036, u0038, u0031, u0035, u0037, u0033, u0041 ... ) [16:52:46:833]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:833]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:833]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:833]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:833]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:833]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:833]: weight 0x0b3532e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:833]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:833]: weight 0x093169eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:833]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:833]: weight 0x093167e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:833]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:833]: [16:52:46:833]: Font YEIMUO+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -23, char count 35 (u00e4, u00fc, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0031, u002e, u0030, u0035, u0053, u0065, u0070, u004f, u006b ... ) [16:52:46:833]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:834]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:834]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:834]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:834]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:834]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:834]: weight 0x0b3534e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:834]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:834]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:834]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:834]: weight 0x093169e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:834]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:834]: [16:52:46:834]: Font TEHZRI+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -11, char count 16 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0025, u0031, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0035, u0036, u0037, u0038 ... ) [16:52:46:834]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:834]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:834]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:834]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:834]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:834]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:835]: weight 0x0b3531e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:835]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:835]: weight 0x093167eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:835]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:835]: weight 0x093165e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:835]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:835]: [16:52:46:835]: Font ICFSKP+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -22, char count 34 (u00e4, u00fc, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0031, u002e, u0035, u0025, u0030, u0032, u0033, u004b, u006f ... ) [16:52:46:835]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:835]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:835]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:835]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:835]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:835]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:835]: weight 0x0b3537e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:835]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:835]: weight 0x09316ceb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:835]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:835]: weight 0x09316ce1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:835]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:835]: [16:52:46:835]: Font GGKBBI+FrutigerForZKB-Bold, serif balance -4, char count 7 (u00e4, u00dc, u00fc, u00ab, u00bb, u00f6, u0050, u0072, u006f, u0067, u006e, u0073, u0065, u0056, u0077, u0074 ... ) [16:52:46:835]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:836]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKB ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 700 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Bold ; [16:52:46:836]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Bold->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:836]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183 [16:52:46:836]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:836]: FrutigerForZKB-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:836]: weight 0x0b352ce7, ascent 0.933, descent 0.25, height 1.183, count 69 [16:52:46:836]: FrutigerforZKB-Black (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:836]: weight 0x09317ce3, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 69 [16:52:46:836]: DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:836]: weight 0x09315eea, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 69 [16:52:46:836]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:836]: [16:52:46:836]: Font PZZRZU+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -15, char count 25 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0036, u0025, u0034, u0032, u0030, u0038, u0035, u0031, u004b ... ) [16:52:46:836]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:836]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:836]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:836]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:836]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:836]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:836]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:836]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:836]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:837]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:837]: weight 0x093169e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:837]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:837]: [16:52:46:837]: Font CXAMLU+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -23, char count 30 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0031, u0030, u0025, u0035, u0032, u0033, u0034, u004a, u0061 ... ) [16:52:46:837]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:837]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:837]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:837]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:837]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:837]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:837]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:837]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:837]: weight 0x09316beb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:837]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:837]: weight 0x09316ae1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:837]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:837]: [16:52:46:837]: Font DFYKGR+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -23, char count 33 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0025, u0031, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0035, u0036, u0037, u0038 ... ) [16:52:46:837]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:838]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:838]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:838]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:838]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:838]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:838]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:838]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:838]: weight 0x09316beb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:838]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:838]: weight 0x09316ae1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:838]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:838]: [16:52:46:838]: Font UOWZGI+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -5, char count 9 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u002d, u0034, u0030, u0025, u0032, u0036, u0038, u0031, u0033, u0043 ... ) [16:52:46:838]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:838]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:838]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:838]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:838]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:838]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:838]: weight 0x0b3531e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:838]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:839]: weight 0x093167eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:839]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:839]: weight 0x093166e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:839]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:839]: [16:52:46:839]: Font OOOBPP+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -17, char count 23 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0031, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0035, u0036, u0037, u0039, u0050 ... ) [16:52:46:839]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:839]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:839]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:839]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:839]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:839]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:839]: weight 0x0b3530e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:839]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:839]: weight 0x093167eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:839]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:839]: weight 0x093164e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:839]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:839]: [16:52:46:839]: Font LEQLWP+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -18, char count 26 (u00e4, u00fc, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0034, u0035, u0037, u0039, u0031, u0033, u0041, u0073, u0069, u0065 ... ) [16:52:46:839]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:840]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:840]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:840]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:840]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:840]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:840]: weight 0x0b3532e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:840]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:840]: weight 0x093169eb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:840]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:840]: weight 0x093167e1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:840]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:840]: [16:52:46:840]: Font HAPJNA+FrutigerForZKB-Light, serif balance -21, char count 33 (u00fc, u00e4, u00f6, u00dc, u00b2, u00d6, u0030, u0025, u0031, u0032, u0033, u0034, u0049, u006e, u0064, u0069 ... ) [16:52:46:840]: < CFontsListHelper::FindFontByUnicode() > [16:52:46:840]: CFontsListHelper::FindRegisteredFontFamily - Source FontName: FrutigerForZKBLight ;PitchNFamily 22 ;Bold: 300 ;Italic: 0 ; TargetFontName: Frutiger for ZKB Light ; [16:52:46:840]: <<<<<FrutigerForZKB-Light->SansSerif>>>>>> [16:52:46:840]: Pdf font metrics: ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177 [16:52:46:840]: Dump subst font candidates metrics: [16:52:46:840]: FrutigerForZKB-Light (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:841]: weight 0x0b3535e5, ascent 0.927, descent 0.25, height 1.177, count 77 [16:52:46:841]: DejaVuSansCondensed (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:841]: weight 0x09316aeb, ascent 0.928223, descent 0.23584, height 1.16406, count 77 [16:52:46:841]: FrutigerforZKB-Roman (Exotic, sans-serif, from OS) [16:52:46:841]: weight 0x09316ae1, ascent 0.961, descent 0.25, height 1.211, count 77 [16:52:46:841]: End subst font dump. [16:52:46:841]: [16:52:46:841]: CPdfDocumentImplEx::RenderPDFDocument() - Doing document post processing. [16:52:46:841]: < CPdfDocument::PostProcessDocument( ) > [16:52:47:027]: White column separators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 8 [16:52:47:035]: Fictive Line as column eparators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 10 [16:52:47:052]: White column separators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 13 [16:52:47:052]: Fictive Line as column eparators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 13 [16:52:47:072]: White column separators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 17 [16:52:47:089]: White column separators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 20 [16:52:47:090]: Fictive Line as column eparators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 20 [16:52:47:095]: Fictive Line as column eparators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 21 [16:52:47:105]: Fictive Line as column eparators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 23 [16:52:47:105]: White column separators /tmp/pdftron/Trn-71292-1706103822-77ad9966-eff0-48f3-a621-f68e21c161aa.pdf Page: 23 [16:52:47:667]: Links in the collection = 12 [16:52:47:667]: Links on the pages = 0 [16:52:47:692]: < CSolidStyleDetector::Detect() > [16:52:47:698]: < CSolidTocDetector::FinishHeadings() > [16:52:47:698]: [16:52:47:703]: [16:52:47:703]: [16:52:47:703]: [16:52:47:703]: CPdfDocument::_Run(). RenderPDFDocument() - finish [16:52:47:703]: CPdfDocument::_Run() - finish. [16:52:47:703]: _SafeRun() - finish. [16:52:47:703]: CPdfDocument::Run - After SafeRun [16:52:47:703]: CPdfDocument::Run - leaving SetHandler scope [16:52:47:703]: CPdfDocument::Run - XXXXXX [16:52:47:703]: MIP is disabled [16:52:47:703]: [16:52:47:703]: pImportObj->Run() return 0 [16:52:47:703]: < CPdfDocument::~CPdfDocument > [16:52:47:703]: < CPdfOcrEngineBase::~CPdfOcrEngineBase() > [16:52:47:703]: [16:52:47:715]: [16:52:47:718]: Commiting the transaction.... [16:52:47:719]: CSolidApplication::LoadDocument() returns 0 [16:52:47:719]: [16:52:47:719]: pApp->LoadDocument return 0 [16:52:47:719]: m_strErrorDescription SucceedDesc [16:52:47:719]: nAction = 9 [16:52:47:719]: pFilter = 52af330 [16:52:47:719]: Converting to /usr/webapps/frrnas/convert/out/AI Juni 2024_895462be-fe06-4927-ad6f-3cc369a203f6_5cc0e667-3b2c-414b-bc2e-0a95c9d64b04.docx [16:52:47:719]: < CSolidApplication::SaveDocument() > [16:52:47:720]: < CDOCXExport::Run() > [16:52:47:720]: Support right-to-left writing on [16:52:47:720]: < CSolidConverterModel::DetectDocumentLanguage > [16:52:47:722]: [16:52:48:242]: Year 2024, Month 1, day 19 [16:52:48:242]: 2024-01-19T00:00:00Z [16:52:48:242]: Year 2024, Month 1, day 19 [16:52:48:242]: 2024-01-19T00:00:00Z [16:52:48:243]: < CDOCXDoc::WriteToFile > [16:52:48:373]: [16:52:48:373]: [16:52:48:375]: [16:52:48:375]: < CSolidApplication::CloseDocument() > [16:52:48:383]: [16:52:48:384]: CDocConverter::OnProcessFile() - Memory: WorkingSet=773091328.0MB PeakWorkingSet=983016.0MB PhysicalAvailable=57531972.0GB (Process in 64 bit mode) [16:52:48:384]: [16:52:48:384]: [16:52:48:384]: [16:52:48:384]: < ConverterCoreLight: PdfConverterClose(0x0x52a8810) > [16:52:48:384]: < ConverterCoreLight: ~SolidConverterPDF(0x0x52a8810) > [16:52:48:384]: < ConverterCoreWrapper: UnloadFilters > [16:52:48:384]: [16:52:48:384]: [16:52:48:384]: [16:52:48:451]: < ~ConverterCoreWrapper() > [16:52:48:451]: < ~CSolidApplication() > [16:52:48:451]: [16:52:48:451]: