16 KB page sizes support

Product: PdfTron Android SDK

Product Version: 11.1.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
16 KB page sizes support for Android 15

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
We adopted our app to support 16 KB page sizes on Android 15 and faced an issue with PdfTron SDK v 11.1.0

We analyze the app with the approach proposed by Google (16KB 페이지 크기 지원  |  Android Developers) and find that 1 lib which used in PdfTron not aligned with a 16 KB page size:

  • libPDFNetC.so

SDK works on ARM 64 v8a but crashed on launch on Intel x86_64 image.

Crash attached in uploaded file:
PdfTronCrash.txt (14.7 KB)

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Thank you for reaching out for Support through our forum. This is currently under investigation by our Engineering team.

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Thank you for your patience on this issue. Support for devices configured to use 16KB page sizes will be available in the next upcoming version of the Apryse Android SDK, scheduled for April 9, 2025.