Add custome radio button in formFieldEditPopup

Product: pdftron/webviewer in ract js

Product Version: “@pdftron/webviewer”: “^10.4.0”, and “react”: “^18.2.0”,

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
can we add a custom radio option in formFieldEditPopup for text box only if yes can you provide me a code for it if not so can we add custom text box in side bar when i click on that its allow me to create a box for text input
below is the code

useEffect(() => {
    if (webViewer.attachmentBlob) {
          path: "/webviewer/lib",
          showLocalFilePicker: true,
          fullAPI: true,

      ).then(async (instance) => {
        instance.UI.loadDocument(base64ToBlob(webViewer.attachmentBlob), {
          filename: fileName,
        const { documentViewer, annotationManager, Annotations, PDFNet } =

        //======================================== disable header =====================================//
        //======================================== disable header =====================================//

        //======================================== for documentLoaded =====================================//
        await documentViewer.getAnnotationsLoadedPromise();
        documentViewer.addEventListener("documentLoaded", async () => {
          // annotManager.setCurrentUser(name);
          if (webViewer.xfdfData !== "" && annotationManager) {
            console.log("newxfdf", webViewer.xfdfData);
            console.log("newxfdf", pdfResponceDataRef.current);
            try {
              await annotationManager.importAnnotations(
            } catch (error) {
              console.log("importAnnotations", error);
        const customBtn = {
          type: "actionButton",
          label: "some-label",
          dataElement: "someElement",
          onClick: () => console.log("clicked"),
        instance.UI.addEventListener("visibilityChanged", (e) => {
          const { element, isVisible } = e.detail;

          if (element === "formFieldEditPopup" && isVisible) {
            // Wait for the formFieldEditPopup to be fully initialized
            console.log("formFieldEditPopup Panel is open? ", element);
            console.log("formFieldEditPopup Panel is open? ", isVisible);
            setTimeout(() => {
              const fieldFlagsContainer = document.querySelector(
              if (fieldFlagsContainer) {
                // Add custom radio button inside the field-flags-container
                const customRadioButton = document.createElement("input");
                customRadioButton.type = "radio";
       = "custom-radio";
                // Set other properties and attributes as needed for the radio button
                // ...

                // Append the custom radio button to the field-flags-container
            }, 0);
        //======================================== for documentLoaded =====================================//
  }, [webViewer.attachmentBlob]);

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:

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in details i want to add checkboxes in my edittextbox filed

which is this:

and this is the code what i am ussing currently

 instance.UI.addEventListener("visibilityChanged", (e) => {
          const { element, isVisible } = e.detail;

          if (element === "formFieldEditPopup" && isVisible) {
            // Wait for the formFieldEditPopup to be fully initialized
            console.log("formFieldEditPopup Panel is open? ", element);
            console.log("formFieldEditPopup Panel is open? ", isVisible);
      type: 'actionButton',
      label: 'some-label',
      onClick: () => console.log('clicked'),

this is just for usder stading
its showing error which is this :Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘add’)

so i want to add more ui changes like add more check box here
and its apply only on text box edit popup only?
if we cant so how can i create a custom text box field ?

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Hello huzeifajahangir,

WebViewer currently does not have an API exposed for that kind of behaviour.
You can create custom annotation by following this guide: Custom-annotations | Apryse Documentation
Also you might want to fork out, since this functionality would require intensive customisation. You a can find a guide here: Advanced-customization | Apryse Documentation

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