Add multiple scales to the scale overlay?

Product: Webviewer

Product Version: 10.7

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
We are trying to add multiple scales to the scale overlay when instantiating webviewer or when opening a document, similar to the “add new scale” button here :

We know how to add preset scales, but this is not what we are looking for.
The setStyle method as seen in Measurement-tools | Apryse Documentation only allows one scale to be set.

How can we achieve this?

Hi there,

Currently, only one scale is applied at a time for a measurement tool, you can see this as calling createAndApplyScale API multiple times will override the older scale

We will add a feature request for this item to be reviewed by the product team. Please keep an eye out for the changelogs Changelog | Apryse Documentation

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

Thanks kkim,

We are looking forward to be able to set multiple scales. I hope this can be added in the backlog.

Hi @kkim
I’ve been trying to implement this as well and came across this support ticket. Do you have any indication of when this is likely to be added?

Hello Chris,

Thank for you contacting WebViewer Forums.

Currently there is no timeline for this feature request. However, I would be happy to add more interest onto the existing request for visibility.
