Add multiple scales to the scale overlay?

Product: Webviewer

Product Version: 10.7

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
We are trying to add multiple scales to the scale overlay when instantiating webviewer or when opening a document, similar to the “add new scale” button here :

We know how to add preset scales, but this is not what we are looking for.
The setStyle method as seen in Measurement-tools | Apryse Documentation only allows one scale to be set.

How can we achieve this?

Hi there,

Currently, only one scale is applied at a time for a measurement tool, you can see this as calling createAndApplyScale API multiple times will override the older scale

We will add a feature request for this item to be reviewed by the product team. Please keep an eye out for the changelogs Changelog | Apryse Documentation

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

Thanks kkim,

We are looking forward to be able to set multiple scales. I hope this can be added in the backlog.