Product:iOS SDK
Product Version: 10.8.0
Please give a brief summary of your issue:
1.Unable to add watermark image behind signature
2.How to import the image of signature to signature list.
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I have subclass PTDocumentController and adding the signature with default long press property.
- But I want to add watermark after select the signature or signed in document.
I created object of PTDigitalSignature,PTSavedSignaturesViewController and PTFloatingSigViewController and confirm their delegate in the same PTDocumentController subclass. So I can receive event after signature selection and can add watermark image. But delegate is not calling,
PTDigitalSignatureTool * digTool = [[PTDigitalSignatureTool allocOverridden]initWithPDFViewCtrl:self.pdfViewCtrl];
digTool.delegate = self;
and added delegate method
-(void)digitalSignatureToolDidSelectSignature:(PTDigitalSignatureTool*)signatureTool image:(UIImage *)image {
but not a single delegate is calling.
- I want to import default signature to signature lis, So user will have a choice to annotate or select stored signature or select imported signature.
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible: