Adding 3D Annotation Labels to a 3D PDF Scene

For a related note which shows how to add hyperlinks, please see Adding 2D and 3D Hyperlinks to Converted PDF - FAQ - Apryse Community

PDF3D ReportGen and PDF3D.IO development SDK provide various methods of adding annotations to your converted 3D PDF scene.

The easiest way is to use to create a small CSV (comma-separated-values) file. This may be done using a spreadsheet tool (e.g. Microsoft Office Excel, Apache OpenOffice Calc, LibreOffice Calc) or via a standard text editor such as notepad.

The csv structured file should have 4 columns, defining X, Y, Z, “Label-Text” and must be saved with the file extension “.lbl” for label file, rather than default .csv. An example of this can be found at PDF3DReportGen/samples/iv/annotation_list_suspension.lbl

You may drop this .lbl file alongside your desired file conversion in the ‘Input/Output’ tab in ReportGen.

The size of the labels can be controlled on the Advanced Tab “Enable Dynamic Labels” menu.

Alternatively (and for PDF3D.IO development SDK) the .pdf3dsettings file, these files may be imported under assembly tags.

        <InputFileName value="../prc/car_v76_suspension.prc"/>
        <InputFileName value="../iv/annotation_list_suspension.lbl"/>
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