PDFTron for Android now ships with ready to use components for real-time collaboration on PDF, Office, and other formats.
You can now add real-time annotations & collaboration to your app faster – implementation should now take a few days as opposed to weeks.
- For introduction and some online demos see: https://www.pdftron.com/blog/android/introducing-pdftron-collab-for-android/
- For sample integration of document collaboration with Firebase and WebViewer Server see: https://www.pdftron.com/blog/android/build-real-time-collab-with-firebase-1/
- For advanced UI customization using PDFTron’s open-source UI components: https://www.pdftron.com/blog/android/build-real-time-collab-with-firebase-2/
This feature is also planned for the upcoming version of PDFTron SDK for iOS, Xamarin, and Windows UWP. PDFTron WebViewer SDK has supported real-time annotation & collaboration since 2012.