Apryse SDK Consumption Tracking Error Codes

This FAQ contains a list of error codes and possible causes for customers with a consumption based license key or an Apryse trial key.

1002 - Decompression failed

This error is thrown when the server cannot decompress the request body. The most likely cause of this error is a proxy server not properly forwarding the request body or request headers. Please ensure your proxy server or firewall is not altering the request in any way.

2002 - Missing authorization header

This error is thrown when an unauthenticated request is made to the server. The most likely cause of this error is a proxy server or some other network configuration not properly forwarding request headers. Please ensure your proxy server or firewall is not altering the request in any way.

2004 - License key missing

This error is thrown when the SDK attempts to authenticate with the server without providing a license key. The most likely cause of this error is a proxy server or some other network configuration not properly forwarding request headers or the request body. Please ensure your proxy server or firewall is not altering the request in any way.

2006 - License key does not exist

The license key provided to the SDK does not exist. Please ensure you have correctly copy/pasted your license key and that you are actually providing the license key to the SDK.

2008 - Account is suspended

This error indicates that your license key has been suspended due to suspected misuse or some other problem. Please contact support for further assistance.

2009 - License key disabled

The license key has expired or has been cancelled due to failed payment. This error can happen for a few reasons:

  • Your license key has not been paid for
  • You have not paid for any overage fees you may have incurred
  • The license key had an expiry date set, and the license key is now expired.

Please contact support for further assistance.

Other errors

The most common cause of errors is a network misconfiguration. If you are seeing any consumption tracking related errors, please ensure that your proxy server is properly forwarding all request headers and the request body, and ensure any firewalls you have are not blocking requests to Apryse servers.

Additionally, please ensure your network allows requests to and from the following domains:

Contact support for further assistance if you are sure your network configuration is correct and you are still seeing errors.