Can we set the Customizing Toolbars and Overlay Elements to Readonly mode In webviewer(JS)?


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Can we set the Customizing Toolbars and Overlay Elements to Readonly mode In webviewer(JS) ?

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As of now we have disableElements,enableElements as follow.

const wvElement = document.getElementById(‘viewer’);
WebViewer({ …options }, wvElement).then(() => {
// remove left panel and left panel button from the DOM
instance.UI.disableElements([ ‘leftPanel’, ‘leftPanelButton’ ]);
// re-enable left panel and left panel button from the DOM
instance.UI.enableElements([ ‘leftPanel’, ‘leftPanelButton’ ]);

Can we set the Customizing Toolbars and Overlay Elements to Readonly mode without disabling it ?

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:

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There’s currently no API for that. But you can just do it by modifying the elements on the DOM. For example, for the ‘leftPanelButton’, you can just do:

$('[data-element=leftPanelButton]').disabled = true;
