Cannot Preview file with ActiveX controls embedded

Product: PDFTron-upgrade/webviewer

Product Version: 10.9

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
Cannot preview files in Apryse webviewer after uploading file with ActiveX control embeeded

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
We have a user who use ActiveX controls in their Excel files. When they upload the file to our platform and Apryse SDK converts it, they no longer can preview the file in our system.

  1. Create Excel file with ActiveX controls
  2. Upload file to system
  3. Apryse SDK converts to PDF
  4. Open file in system and cannot preview the webpage.
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To get a better understanding of the issue you are facing, can you please provide us with an Excel file with ActiveX controls enabled? In addition, you mentioned that you cannot preview such files. Are you getting any errors in the console?

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Yes, attached below is the Excel file.

I am not receiving any errors in the Console, but the previewer loads forever and never opens the file.

2022 Tax Workpaper - McNabb Equipment.xlsx (41.4 KB)

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Hello, It looks like there is an issue with how this file is converted. I have forwarded this to the development team for further investigation and will get back to you as soon as I have an update. Please let me know if you have any further questions in the meantime.

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Thank you! Please let me know if there are any workarounds for this issue if any. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for your patience with this issue. Can you please use the latest version of the SDK found in the developer portal here and verify if the issue is resolved there? We have made lots of improvements to our Office conversion recently.

With the latest version of the SDK, we were able to open the file in a reasonable amount of time. Note that the document contains over 22K empty cells. We have added logic to better handle files like this.

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I tried the most recent version of the SDK (11.1.1) and the file is now loading. However, it did take about 4 minutes to convert and load the file.

I also noticed that it added 4000+ pages in between sheets 4 and 5.

Should both of these items I mentioned be expected behavior?

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Yes, both items are expected, as the empty cells represent the blank pages in the document. Note that exporting the Excel sheet using Excel app will create a document with over 20K pages.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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Thank you for clarifying and for your help. :purple_heart:

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