Please give a brief summary of your issue:
Can’t convert HTML to pdf in container
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I have a simple code to convert HTML to pdf and it works when running in my machine (linux), but when I run it in a docker container using openjdk:8 image it won’t work. I have configured the html2pdf modules and set permission for read/write/execute, and there isn’t any exception or error even when using the getLog() method from HTML2PDF it just returns an empty string.
PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc();
HTML2PDF converter = new HTML2PDF();
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
I had this very same issue and was also able to identify some missing dependencies but after installing them I get another error: Missing output file /tmp/pdftron/Trn-1-1647609886-0c96d1ca-e9b1-40ec-b0b3-59baf8e312b3
I saw another post suggesting that this could be related to execution rights on the but this is not the case. It has full execution rights.
Can you please help?
Hi Ryan
I was already using the latest version of the SDK and have tried downloading the latest version of the conversion module to no avail.
I still get the same error.
Any ideas?
I set up a test container to check the dependencies for the HTML2PDF module using the openjdk:8 image and checked for missing dependencies. The following is a list of missing dependencies for this image that must be installed for the module:
bash-4.4# ldd | grep “not found” => not found => not found => not found