Child process was terminated by signal: 0X9

Product: PdfToWord - SolidStructuredOutput

Product Version: 10.11.0-3abb920

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
We use the Service to convert PDF to Word files. Our code works greate with all the other files we tested, but now our customer tried to upload a file which lets the convert process crash.

  const options = await PDFNet.Convert.createWordOutputOptions();

  if (await PDFNet.StructuredOutputModule.isModuleAvailable()) {
    await PDFNet.Convert.fileToWord(inputFile, outputFile, options);


  "level": "error",
  "message": "Exception: \n\t Message: Child process was terminated by signal: 0X9\n\n\t Conditional expression: exit_code == 0\n\t Version : 10.11.0-3abb920\n\t Platform : Linux\n\t Architecture : AMD64\n\t Filename : SolidStructuredOutput.cpp\n\t Function : DoConvert\n\t Linenumber : 866\n",
  "middleware": "cms",
  "type": "PDFWorkerError"

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
Sadly i can not share the pdf document.

Do you have experienced a error like this befor?
Thanks for your help.

Update: I found part of the problem, the pdf file has scanned pages (2 pages). Due to this pages, your system runs out of memory (1GB) and stops the process. Even when i split the pdf file and just convert the two scanned pages, our system runs out of memory.

Do you know how to handle this problem?

We use the Service

To clarify, we are not offering a service, but a SDK you integrate.

your system runs out of memory (1GB) and stops the process.

This would be your system, and you will need to allocate more resources. We recomend 4GB per concurrent conversion as a starting point.

Since Apryse does not control the input, your PDF file in this case, we cannot garuantee a specific peak memory requirement. The amount of memory required depends on the input file. So if you want a better idea of how much memory you need you would have to evaluate using input files representative of what you expect to handle.