Configure Callout max font size

Product: Apryse SDK
Product Version: v10.12.0

When editing the Callout’s style/appearance, there is a dropdown to select the Font size (1pt - 512pt) in the SDK’s popup.

I want to customize this dropdown, to have a maximum of 17pt as option, for Callouts. How can i do that?

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Hi there,

Currently there is no API that can customize the font size dropdown.

You can try the following options:

best regards,

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Hi kkim,
could you please provide us the CSS classname or #id of the dropdown?
so that we can remove the options via CSS.

kind regards

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Hi there,

You can see the IDs of the dropdown values in the element inspector. In this case it would be ‘FontSizeDropdown-#’

best regards,

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