Product: PDFTron
Product Version: PDFTron.NETCore.Windows.x64
Please give a brief summary of your issue:
Could anyone please assist me in viewing PDF documents in .NET6? Our application can open PDFs and allows customers to draw shapes on them. However, we have recently upgraded to the .NET 6 version of PDFTron and have noticed that the PDFViewWPF class is no longer available. Is there any alternative to the PDFViewWPF class or a workaround to achieve the same functionality in PDFTron for .NET 6?
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
PDFViewWPF missing in PDFTron.NETCore.Windows.x64 nuget package.
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
/// <summary>
/// PDFTron viewer, controls the PDF operations like rendering, zooming, panning
/// </summary>
public PDFViewWPF PDFViewer { get; set; }
...PDFViewer = new PDFViewWPF();
PDFViewer.PixelsPerUnitWidth = scaleFactor;
PDFViewer.UseLayoutRounding = true;
PDFViewer.SetThinLineAdjustment(true, true);
...var ocgContext = PDFViewer.GetOCGContext();
int numberOfLayers = layers.Size();
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfLayers; i++)
Obj layerObj = layers.GetAt(i);
... xmlns:pdfnet="clr-namespace:pdftron.PDF;assembly=PDFNet"
<Grid Grid.Row="2" Name="PDFGrid" Margin="0,1,0,0">
<pdfnet:PDFViewWPF x:Name="ComparePDFViewer"/>