Disable page navigation when an annotation is drawn on the page

Product: Apryse Mobile SDK iOS

Product Version: 10.3.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue:

Hi everyone!

I’m using a PTPDFViewCtrl object inside a class that inherits from UIView and a PTPDFDoc object to load and show a PDF document on screen. Also I’m using a PTToolManager object as Tool Manager:

mPdfView = PTPDFViewCtrl(frame: self.bounds)
mToolManager = PTToolManager(pdfViewCtrl: mPdfView!)
mPdfView!.toolDelegate = mToolManager
mPdfView!.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

mPdfDoc = PTPDFDoc(filepath: mDocumentPath)

When the user touches a certain app button, an annotation (PTSquare) is created on the current page, and what I need is to disable navigation between pages from the moment the user creates the annotation until he confirms or dismisses it by touching the corresponding button of the app. I’ve implemented PTPDFViewCtrlDelegate and PTToolManagerDelegate in my class.

How can I achieve it?

Thank you all for taking the time to read my post and offer your assistance!

Kind regards,
Javier Bonilla.

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Hi there, could you please provide a complete sample project that demonstrates your setup?
In general, we don’t recommend setting up a PTPDFViewCtrl directly but instead to use the PTDocumentController class.

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