Distinguish between sign here and initials button


How to distinguish between the Sign Here and the Initials button in a locationSelected event ? I have base64 image data for both signature and initials. Now upon clicking the Sign Here and Initials button appropriate signature/initials will be added in the pdf doc. I have used the below code section. If there is any other way of achieving this, please suggest.

PS: I don’t want to select Signature/Initials from signature tool overlay.

signatureTool.addEventListener('locationSelected', (data) => {
     // if Sign here button clicked

    // if initials button clicked
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Hi Lmran,

Thank you for contacting us regarding Webviewer.

I’ll inquire the information from the team and get back to you as soon as possible.

Hi Lmran,

To identify between the “sign here” and “initials” button, you can use the SignatureWidgetAnnotation.requireInitials method. (Apryse WebViewer Class: SignatureWidgetAnnotation). This will return if the widget annotation is setup for initials or signatures.

You could also check our open-source UI project at webviewer-ui/onLocationSelected.js at 10.0 · PDFTron/webviewer-ui · GitHub to see how it is done.

Please let us know if this resolves your issue, thank you.

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Hi Johnny_Kung,
Thanks for your reply. The following code resolves the issue.

signatureTool.addEventListener('locationSelected', async (_, widget) => {
      if (widget.requiresInitials()) {
           await signatureTool.setInitials(initialImageSource);
           await signatureTool.addInitials();

      } else {
           await signatureTool.setSignature(signatureImageSource);
           await signatureTool.addSignature();