Document Editor Support for Headers/Footers in Office Editing Mode?

Product: Web Viewer

Product Version: 10

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
Does the Docx Editor Support Header/Footer Editing?

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I have a word document that has a header. I can see the header content in the web viewer in Office Editing mode but I don’t seem to be able to make any modifications. Is this a known limitation currently and if so are there plans to add this feature in the future? This would be a huge benefit as our documents will often use images or text in the headers and having the ability to edit the header/footer is critical.

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Thank you for posting your question to our forum. We will provide you with an update as soon as possible.

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Hi there,

Editing Footer/Header is currently not supported. We are planning to add this feature in the future. We do not have an expected date but please keep an eye out for the change-logs section for updates

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

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Any update on this? We have many users that are eagerly awaiting this feature.

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Hi there,

This feature is not yet supported. The plan from the product team is aiming for completion by Q1 this year.

Best regards,

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