Product: PDFTron Custom SDK
Product Version:
Please give a brief summary of your issue:
“Error”: “Exception: \n\t Message: document layout failed: Exception: \n\t Message: m_operators.empty() && m_values.size() == 1\n\t Conditional expression: m_operators.empty() && m_values.size() == 1\n\t Version : 10.1.1-f65ee09\n\t Platform : Linux\n\t Architecture : AMD64\n\t Filename : FormulaSolver.cpp\n\t Function : Solve\n\t Linenumber : 333\n\n\t Conditional expression: \n\t Version : 10.1.1-f65ee09\n\t Platform : Linux\n\t Architecture : AMD64\n\t Filename : FlowToPDFConversion.cpp\n\t Function : PDF::DocxConversion::Convert()\n\t Linenumber : 195\n”
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible: