Does PDFNet sdk need office on the computer in order to convert office to PDF?

Q: Does PDFNet sdk need office on the computer in order to convert
office to PDF?

I am looking at ‘pdftron.PDF.Convert.ToPdf’ (or ToXps) and your
Convert sample (

A: If installed PDFNet will take advantage of MS Office, however the
conversion will also work if MS Office is not available. In this case
you could use any other third party viewer (such as MS Office viewer
or ‘www_officeviewers_com’, also Windows 7 comes with ‘docx’ support
in Wordpad so you don’t need any additional software installed) and
PDFNet will try to print the file using a virtual print driver. The
main disadvantage of the virtual driver approach is that at the moment
PDF/XPS/SVG would be missing bookmarks, hyperlinks, and metadata. This
limitation will most likely be removed in the near future.

possibly relevant article: