Extract annotations from large pdf

Product: PDFTron.NETCore.Windows.x64

Product Version: 10.9.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
Read PDFDoc from large pdf stream

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I use the below api to get the PDFDoc from pdf file stream
var pdfDocument = new PDFDoc(pdfFileStream)
We use this pdfDocument to extract the annotations from the pdf file.
But I got an error as “Stream was too long.” for 2gb pdf file stream.
Is there any other way to achieve this for pdf files with size larger than 2 gb in size as the mentioned api takes a lot of time to load?

Hello Priya,

I appreciate the information surrounding your use case that you’ve provided thus far, but in order to assist you further, I will need some additional information. Can you indicate at what point the Stream was too long error appears while running your application? Does this occur when attempting to save the stream to a file? If so, can you indicate how are you currently saving this file?

Thank you,
Kaden Rettig
Associate Technical Support Engineer
Apryse Support Team