WebViewer Version: 8.11
Facing the issue in following the PDF Overlay Guide.
Guide Followed - Apryse Documentation | Documentation
Error. -
PDFworker.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’ (at PDFworker.js:1:1)
WebViewer Version: 8.11
Facing the issue in following the PDF Overlay Guide.
Guide Followed - Apryse Documentation | Documentation
Error. -
PDFworker.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’ (at PDFworker.js:1:1)
Have you enabled fullAPI? And have you tried updating to latest WebViewer version? Thanks.
Please check this working online sample - https://docs.apryse.com/samples/web/samples/full-apis/ViewerPDFDiffTest/ . For the source code, I think you can find it in the ViewerPDFDiffTest sample in WebViewer SDK.
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