Gray scale PDF printing


using the following code sequence, we are trying to print a PDF document on a Color Printer. We would like to get the output in as a grayscale image, nevertheless we get a color print all the time, no matter which paramters we pass to the printer driver or which settings we use in the printer selection dialog.

BTW: We’re using HPs UPD printer driver in conjunction witrh a HP Pagewide printer.

Is there any way to get a monochome grayscale output?



            PrinterMode printerMode = new PrinterMode();
            printerMode.SetDPI(600); // regardless of ordering, an explicit DPI setting overrides the OutputQuality setting
            printerMode.SetDuplexing(PrinterMode.DuplexMode.e_Duplex_None); // Kein Duplexdruck
            printerMode.SetNUp(PrinterMode.NUp.e_NUp_1_1, PrinterMode.NUpPageOrder.e_PageOrder_LeftToRightThenTopToBottom);

            // If the XPS print path is being used, then the printer spooler file will
            // ignore the grayscale option and be in full color
            printerMode.SetPaperSize(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 792));
            PageSet pagesToPrint = new PageSet(1, pdfdoc.GetPageCount(), PageSet.Filter.e_all);

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Currently the Greyscale/mono options are not enabled, due to inconsistent support across physical and virtual printers.

You can either pre-process the PDF, see link below, or edit the settings of the target printer your self.

Hi Team,
we are using pdfTron.PDF.PrinterMode and pdfTron.PDF.Print (Assembly PDFNet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=45663c462b939c60) to send a PDF document to a printer.
Unfortunately the Orientation and OutputColor properties seems to be overridden by the windows default printer settings before reaching the printer.

This post seems to describe a similar issue.

Is there any new version of these classes?
Do you have any further suggestions?