We have observed that certain documents lose their annotations after saving. For example, I can run a search > add annotations > observe 300 annotations > Save > reopen > Now there are only 150 annotations.
If I take that document > Open in Adobe > Save as other “optimized” and try again the issue goes away. We created a POC using https://developer.adobe.com/document-services/docs/overview/ since we could not find a solution with Apryse that worked. We first tried Optimize | Apryse Documentation and we got the same results. The issue only goes away using Adobe Optimize. We are already paying a lot for Apryse. We also needed to use a another SDK from Aspose to fill limitations/gaps and not looking to use a third. Could you kindly let us know if you have anything that optimizes PDFs exactly like Adobe? Why is Apryse’s optimize different? Thank you