How do I break up HTML content into multiple pages when using HTML2PDF?
HTML2PDF will automatically break HTML content into multiple PDF pages, based on the page dimensions you choose.
If your intention is to break the HTML up before passing to HTML2PDF, then I’m sure there are many tools out there that can manipulate HTML the way you want it to.
Note, that the conversion process is synchronous, so there is no interacting once it starts.
Furthermore, HTML2PDF tries to honour all the html tags it encounters, so there are some html tags that control when user-agents do page breaking. For example the CSS page-break tags. See link below for examples.
Finally, each time you call HTML2PDF::InsertFrom[URL|String] , subsequent html content will start on a new PDF page. For example, if the first URL generates 4 PDF pages, the second URL will start on page 5, regardless of how much space is available on page 4.