How do I consolidate duplicate images on different annotation?

I have a PDF document with multiple annotations that uses the same image. Each annotation contains a copy of the image, increasing the size of the PDF. How can I consolidate the duplicate images?

You can post-process the PDF to go through all annotations and replace all image references with a pointer to the first one.

             * This code assumes every annotation reuses the same image.
             * Replace all these image references with a pointer to the first one.
             * When PDFDoc.Save is called all the extra/duplicate images will be discarded.
             * TODO: Add your own heuristic/conditional to decide which ones to merge. E.g. pre-populated list of annotation IDs
            for (PageIterator pitr = doc.getPageIterator(); pitr.hasNext(); )
                Page page =;
                int num_annots = page.getNumAnnots();
                for (int i = 0; i < num_annots; ++i)
                    Annot annot = page.getAnnot(i);
                    if(!annot.isValid()) return;
                    Obj ap = annot.getAppearance();
                    if(ap == null) continue;
                    Obj objResources = ap.findObj("Resources");
                    if(objResources == null || !objResources.isDict()) continue;
                    Obj objXObjects = objResources.findObj("XObject");
                    if(objXObjects == null || !objXObjects.isDict()) continue;
                    DictIterator itr = objXObjects.getDictIterator();
                    for (; itr.hasNext(); {
                      // itr.key();
                      Obj objXobject = itr.value();
                      if(!objXobject.isIndirect()) continue;
                      Obj objsubType = objXobject.findObj("Subtype");
                      if(objsubType == null && !objsubType.isName()) continue;
                      if(!objsubType.getName().equals("Image")) continue;
                      long objNum = objXobject.getObjNum();
                      if(imageToReuseObjNum == 0)
                        // first image
                        imageToReuseObjNum = objNum;
                        System.out.println("First annot image " + imageToReuseObjNum);
                        System.out.println("Replacing reference to " + objNum + " with " + imageToReuseObjNum);
                        objXObjects.put(itr.key().getName(), sdfdoc.getObj(imageToReuseObjNum));