How do I resolve "BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly" on x64 & .NET?

Q: I am interested in PDFNet SDK but I cannot seem to load pdfnet.dll
assembliy. The error I am getting is:

BadImageFormatException: {"Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=36167be3f67ac39c' or
one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an
incorrect format."}

I am running Windows Server 2008 x64.

Please advise on how I could make this work in my environment.
A: Assuming that you are running on Windows Server 2008 x64, please
use the following steps:

a) In case you do not have VS2008 installed you need to make sure that
standard VC 64-bit runtime is available. You can download VC 64-bit
redistributable using the following link:
or search for "VC 64-bit Redistributable" on the Web.

b) Download: PDFNet for .NET 1.1.-3.5 (64-bit) :

c) Extract the archive and open any sample from the Sample folder
(e.g. PDFDraw sample).

d) Run the sample.

Based on the error message it seems that you are either using a wrong
DLL version or that VC 64-bit redistributable is missing.

Btw you can also run 32-bit version of PDFNet on 64-bit machines if
you change the 'Platfrom Traget' (in the project solution - located
under 'Solution properties' > 'Build' > 'Platfrom Traget') to x86.