Please give a brief summary of your issue:How to add custom annotation ( any image or icon ) with help of Rect points in pdf doc?
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I want to create a custom annotation like Image pinning at particular position in pdf doc.
So how can I add this created custom annotation in pdf doc using Rect points & when i tap on it, how could i get the annotation properties & position in pdf doc?
(The more descriptive your answer, the faster we are able to help you)
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:
In the above example we use “PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(filename);”.
If you are using PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2, you can call hostFragment.getCurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment().getPdfDoc() to get the PDFDoc.
Hi Emallon,
Thanks for the answer & reply. Stamper class works for me.
I have used like
val s = Stamper(Stamper.e_relative_scale, .05, .05)
I want to select this stamp & move across the pdf but i don’t need to show the quick action popup when i select this stamp.
I am using “PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(filename);”.
Please help with suggestion how can i archive this.
I have created Custom Annotation using stamper class. My app requirement is the size of stamp annotation should be same when i zoom in or zoom out. The stamp size should not vary as per pdf document zooming. Is there any way to fix the size of custom annotation even in zoom in?
I have attached two images, how it looks now. Here, the annotation size is increasing when i do zoom in.
Hi ,
Thanks for the reply & answer. I have used Text annotation ( Text.create(doc, Point(100.0, 100.0)) ) with custom appearance, it matches the expectation.
Is there any way to differentiate this custom annotation & Note annotation as i am getting “Annot.type” is same for both cases?