How to directly convert a pdf to an svg into a byte [] instead of transitioning through a file


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How to directly convert a pdf to an svg into a byte [] instead of transitioning through a file

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Currently there is no such API, since by default the PDF to SVG generation results in multiple different files, which cannot be reliably represented in a single memory buffer.

Why is SVG important to you?
Why exactly is writing to disk an issue for you?

However, when choosing to embed text and images, you can only generate SVG files. Moreover, I need to convert the generated SVG into byte[] and upload it to S3, instead of generating the file locally, then find a way to upload the local file to S3, and finally delete the local file after the upload is successful, which will reduce the efficiency.
So I can achieve what I want to do?Thanks

You would have to read the bytes yourself from disk and delete the file yes.

Since you are networking, which is order of magnitudes slower than disk access, this should not have any noticeable impact on throughput/performance.