Product:React js
Product Version:“@pdftron/webviewer”: “^10.4.0”
Please give a brief summary of your issue:
issue is when i export xfdf so its give me the xml i provide below
in xml we have fields pdf-info
each field belongs to each ffield and widget
to match it we do field name = ffield name
ffield name = widget field
and widget name has a unique key
now when i sign it and get its annotation export which is this
<ink page="0" rect="316.620,2317,681.409,2458.770" color="#000000" flags="print" name="5e7b5535-1ef8-18db-79e9-994782c09249" title="Guest" subject="Signature" date="D:20240115180126+05'00'" creationdate="D:20240115180126+05'00'">
<trn-custom-data bytes="{"trn-annot-maintain-aspect-ratio":"true"}"/>
so how can i match that this annotation ink belong to that particular widget
this is my complete xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">
xmlns="" version="2" import-version="4">
<ffield type="Sig" name="Jack" flags="Required" />
<widget appearance="_DEFAULT" field="Jack" name="f997643c-38bf-cee7-0643-440c8ef08b57" modified-date="D:20240115180123+05'00'" page="1">
<rect x1="316.62" x2="845.89" y1="2317" y2="2458.77" />
<border style="null" />
<trn-custom-data bytes="{"trn-signature-type":"fullSignature","trn-form-field-indicator-text":"Sign Here Jack","trn-form-field-show-indicator":"true"}" />
<field name="Jack">
<ink page="0" rect="316.620,2317,681.409,2458.770" color="#000000" flags="print" name="5e7b5535-1ef8-18db-79e9-994782c09249" title="Guest" subject="Signature" date="D:20240115180126+05'00'" creationdate="D:20240115180126+05'00'">
<trn-custom-data bytes="{"trn-annot-maintain-aspect-ratio":"true"}"/>
<defmtx matrix="1,0,0,-1,0,2851" />
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<pgmtx matrix="1,0,0,-1,0,900" page="2" />
<pgmtx matrix="1,0,0,-1,0,900" page="3" />
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<pgmtx matrix="1,0,0,-1,0,900" page="13" />
<pgmtx matrix="1,0,0,-1,0,900" page="14" />
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