How to get the deatils of the annotations

Product: Pdf webViewer

I want to get all the info about the annotation I see the object property “yo” that has the info but is there a getter method for that ?

const annotations = annotManager.getAnnotationsList();
annotations.forEach((annotation) => {
const annotationDetails = annotation.yo;

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Hello Ignacio,

Thank you for contacting WebViewer Forums.

Here is a link to all of the available properties on Annotations you can access: Apryse WebViewer Class: Annotation


Hi Luke thanks for your message I didnt found in the documentation a method that reutrns th einfo of the property yo I can only see it possible with the method getCustomData but what will be the key to access that information i want to get the type of the annotation and if its link I want to get if its a link of typo goto or an uri

Hello Ignacio,

Those properties are hidden and minified which are not publicly accessible. If you can tell me what your usecase or workflow is, I can provide some assistance.


Hi Luke thanks, Im tyrying to implement internal links like the goto or the uri ones to the flipbook implementation Im able to get the position of the links/annotations without issue but the type and page target or url in case of the external I only found it in those hidden properties or exporting those anotations as an xml and then parsing those values

Hello Ignacio,

If it is a Link annotation, you can access their actions property. For example:


From there, you can access its children properties and can see the element name type and pages.


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