How to make DocumentSlider is vertical?

Product: Android Apryse SDK

Product Version: 10.6.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue: DocumentSlider
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Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
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  • As I see currently SDK only supports horizontal DocumentSlider. How can I achieve vertical DocumentSlider?

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:


We have a guide on how to set the Viewer to Vertical scrolling here:


Hi @ama1 ,

Thank you for your response. But what I want to ask is how I can achieve vertical slider not how I can scroll vertically. I’m using PDFViewCtrl and I want a slider to scroll faster. Since I read the document, there are two ways to get a slider are DocumentSlider and ThumbnailSlider but both of those ways are implemented in horizontal dimension .
So what I want to ask is if there’s any ways to implement DocumentSlider or ThumbnailSlider in vertical dimension?

Our DocumentSlider class should work in either vertical or horizontal mode, it switches context based off of the attribute android:orientation=“vertical”

I created a sample on how to achieve this:

Hi @ama1 ,
Thank you for your instruction and finally I could make vertical DocumentSlider. But there’s one more thing that when I scroll PDFViewCtrl the DocumentSlider doesn’t scroll with. For more detail you can see the video I attached below

For that you can add a listener on PdfViewCtrl onPageChangeListener and call the slider to update:

            mPdfViewCtrl.addPageChangeListener(new PDFViewCtrl.PageChangeListener() {
                public void onPageChange(int i, int i1, PDFViewCtrl.PageChangeState pageChangeState) {

I’ve updated the Github sample to include this. Please give it a try.


It’s working now. Thank you so much for your support @ama1.

You’re welcome, glad it is working for you now.


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