How to use a mutable value in WebViewer?

WebViewer Version: 8.11.0

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How to use a mutable value in WebViewer?

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
(The more descriptive your answer, the faster we are able to help you)

I want to use mutable values in webViewer like useState, but webViewer created once and can’t find latest value.

Dev spec : NextJs(13.3.1), React(18.2.0), Typescript(4.9.3)

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:

	const [prevDisplayMode, setPrevDisplayMode] = useState('Continuous')

	useEffect(() => {
		console.log('::: useEffect : prevDisplayMode ', prevDisplayMode)
	}, [prevDisplayMode])

	useEffect(() => {
		if (forwardRef.current === null) {
					licenseKey: MYKEY,
					path: '/express-plus/lib',
				.then((instance: WebViewerInstance) => {


				instance.UI.addEventListener('fullscreenModeToggled', (e, b) => {
					console.log('prevDisplayMode ', prevDisplayMode)

				documentViewer.addEventListener('displayModeUpdated', (e) => {
					const currentDisplayMode = documentViewer



				.catch((error) => {
	}, [])

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Hi moldy

Can you please clarify, what do you mean by “WebViewer created once and can’t find latest value.”

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I mean,
After webviewer is created once, it doesn’t find the latest value.

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Hi moldy,

We have tried

documentViewer.addEventListener('displayModeUpdated', (e) => {
					const currentDisplayMode = documentViewer


Console log here, returned the correct value every time. Can you please provide us with more clarification on what are you trying to achieve? Video of you reproducing the issue would help.

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The latest value should be the prevDisplayMode(the value in useState) in fullscreenModeToggled, not the currentDisplayMode.

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Did switching this work for you?
Can you provide the code snippet youre using?

Best reagrds,

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