HTML2PDF module versions

(java using gradle) updated to com.pdftron:PDFNet:10.2.0 from version com.pdftron:PDFNet:9.5.0, usage of the HTML2PDF module is resulting in error:

Message: This version of HTML2PDF module is not compatible with this SDK. Please download the latest module from

Conditional expression: exit_code == 0
	 Version      : 10.2.0-f07f0d288b
	 Platform     : Windows
	 Architecture : AMD64
	 Filename     : Html2Pdf.cpp
	 Function     : trn::PDF::HTML2PDF::Convert
	 Linenumber   : 417


	 Conditional expression: exit_code == 0
	 Filename   : Html2Pdf.cpp
	 Function   : trn::PDF::HTML2PDF::Convert
	 Linenumber : 417
	 Error code : 0

However there do not appear to be versions of the HTML2PDF module to pick from that have different compatibility.

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This seems to occur with PDFNet 10.5.0 as well.

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Can you try updating to the newest version of the SDK as well as the newest version of the HTML2PDF module:

If you are still having issues, can you also let me know which version of the SDK and module you are downloading (Linux/Windows, 32/64 bit, ARM/AMD, language, etc.)

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