Imported Annotations are gone after switching pdf tabs

Product: Platform Web

WebViewer Version: 10.7.3

Can you reproduce using one of our samples or online demos?
No - maybe if you combine a demo view with export/import an tabs
Are you using the WebViewer server?
Does the issue only happen on certain browsers?
No - Chrome/Opera/Firefox
Is your issue related to annotations?
Yes - export/import differnt measurement annotations

Please give a brief summary of your issue:

if I import annotations into a PDF with TabViewer and switch between tabs the imported annotations are gone.

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:

I tried to export and import via file for annotaions and xfdf.
Also tried to hold the instance of the annotation and import it directly.
The annotations are shown correctly.
But after switching tabs the annotations disappeared.
I also tried replacing guid names for the XFDF data with new guids. Same behavior - the annotations disappeared after switching tabs.

What works is saving the file and open it again.

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:

enableMultiViewerMode: true,
// Tab 1 -> copy Annots by id or selected
async copyAnnots(ids) {
    // annotations = this.instance.Core.annotationManager.getSelectedAnnotations();
    var annotations = []
    .forEach((annot) => {
      if (queryIds.includes(annot.Id)) {

    this.globalXFDF = await this.instance.Core.annotationManager
      annotationList: annotations,
      // different options tested 
      widgets: false,
      links: false,
      fields: false,
      generateInlineAppearances: true,
      useDisplayAuthor: true,
    .then(async (xfdfStrings) => {
      return xfdfStrings;
// Tab 2 -> paste - works inside the tab but not change
async pasteAnnots() {
    var annotations = await this.instance.Core.annotationManager
    // importAnnotationCommand and importAnnotations
    .then(async (annotation) => {
      return annotation;
    // tested different redraw methods. redraw per page and so on
    //annotations.forEach((annotation) => {

Thank you for posting the incident to our forum. We will provide you with an update as soon as possible.

Hi there,

I was able to reproduce this issue on my end. I have submitted a report to the product team about the annotations disappearing after switching tabs. Thank you for reporting this.

Best Regards,


perfect, no problem. Let me know if anything new comes up here.
