Importing Post-Processing VRML from ANSYS FEA

A unique feature of PDF3DReportGen and the PDF3D.IO development SDK is the ability to directly load process and convert analysis post-processor results from ANSYS Classic in VRML format.

The VRML files produced by ANSYS Classic FEA programs are typically in “.wrl” extension, follow VRML 1.0 format standard, and contain contour bands and other elements which can cause issues in normal VRML processing.

On the “Interface Settings” tab, on the “Coin Interface” secondary tab, enable the “[x] Use ANSYS FEA filter” option.

By enabling this feature, specific characteristics of ANSYS VRML files are processed. In particular, where there are some additional annotation elements in the 3D VRML scene these are removed. Where surfaces with colour contour bands are broken up into fragments these are sorted and merged together into a much more efficient mesh structure.

Where a colour legend bar may also exist in the 3D VRML scene, this is extracted and interpreted so that a suitable legend may be presented and placed on the PDF page for annotation. To control placement, the parameters of both the 3D view and the colour legend bar may be adjusted on the “Page Layout” tab.

ANSYS VRML files may be loaded directly in their native form, without first running any pre-filtering scripts. All processing takes place in memory during the conversion process for high efficiency.

As the models are converted into an optimised mesh structure, the advanced simplification filters may optionally be applied to create a simplified reduced re-meshing which still preserves the principle characteristics of the model. In particular, the attribute sensitive simplification is able to reduce the mesh inside contour bands while preserving the sharp boundaries between contour levels.