Instantly update Custom built components the Notes Panel UI

WebViewer Version: 10.10.1

Do you have an issue with a specific file(s)?
Ans:- NO

Can you reproduce using one of our samples or online demos?
Ans:- This is a customized solution, hence it is not possible to reproduce this online

Are you using the WebViewer server?
Ans:- WebViewer Custom

Does the issue only happen on certain browsers?
Ans:- On all Browsers

Is your issue related to a front-end framework?
Ans:- Probably related to Angular

Is your issue related to annotations?
Ans:- Yes it is

Please give a brief summary of your issue:

ANS:- Instantly update custom built component on the Notes Panel UI when an annotation is added, modified, deleted and the document is loaded.

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
We have built custom buttons, labels and texts and modified how the default annotations are displayed on the Notes Panel UI. Now we are trying to dynamically update these values depending on certain user actions. We created custom data for each annotation and based of that custom data, we want the custom components we designed in a different form. This works when we have only one annotation, but as soon as more than one annotation is created, the custom components are not updated with the custom data on each annotation despite it being stored for each annotation.

Here is part of the code for the service used:

export class ElectricalEngineerService {

  //---------------------------- Variables ------------------------------------//
  annotationType = 'Change Notification'; // TODO: translate and use Enums
  notificationNumber = 'Nr'; // TODO: translate and use Enums
  status = 'Open'; // TODO: translate and use Enums
  annotationTypeNumber = ''; // TODO: translate and use Enums
  exists = 'false'; // TODO: translate and use Enums
  notificationId = ''; // TODO: translate and use Enums
  statusColor = '#baaf15'; // TODO: translate and use Enums
  selectedAnnotation: Core.Annotations.Annotation[] = [];

  private webviewerInstance: any;
  private user!: UserModel;
  private openModalCallback!: () => void;

  constructor() { }

  initialize(webviewerInstance: any, user: UserModel, role: RoleEnum, openModalCallback: () => void) {
    this.user = user;
    this.webviewerInstance = webviewerInstance;
    this.openModalCallback = openModalCallback;
    if (role === RoleEnum.isElectricalEngineer) {

  private setUpElectricalEngineerPermissions() {
    const { annotationManager, documentViewer, AnnotationManager } = this.webviewerInstance.Core;
    annotationManager.addEventListener('annotationSelected', () => {
      this.selectedAnnotation = annotationManager.getSelectedAnnotations();
      console.log('Selected', this.selectedAnnotation);
    annotationManager.setCurrentUser(`${this.user.Partner.Surname}, ${this.user.Partner.FirstName}`);

    annotationManager.addEventListener('annotationChanged', (annotations: Core.Annotations.Annotation[], action: string) => {
      if (action === AnnotationManager.AnnotationChangedActions.ADD) {
        annotations.forEach(annotation => {
          const exists = annotation.getCustomData('exists');
          if (!exists || exists === 'false') {
            this.setCustomProperties(this.notificationNumber, this.annotationType, this.annotationTypeNumber, this.status, this.statusColor);
          } else if (exists === 'true') {
            const notificationNumber = annotation.getCustomData('notificationNumber');
            const annotationType = annotation.getCustomData('annotationType');
            const annotationTypeNumber = annotation.getCustomData('annotationTypeNumber');
            const status = annotation.getCustomData('status');
            const statusColor = annotation.getCustomData('statusColor');
            console.log(`Restoring custom properties for annotation with notification number: ${notificationNumber}`);
            console.log('Custom Data:', notificationNumber, annotationType, annotationTypeNumber, status, statusColor);
            this.setCustomProperties(notificationNumber, annotationType, annotationTypeNumber, status, statusColor);

    // TODO: Validate that only EE can use this
    const addPageButton = {
      type: 'actionButton',
      img: `<svg viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M6 0C4.89543 0 4 0.89543 4 2V8.75H6V2H12V7H16.5V16.5H6V15.25H4V16.5C4 17.6046 4.89543 18.5 6 18.5H16.5C17.6046 18.5 18.5 17.6046 18.5 16.5V6.41421C18.5 5.88378 18.2893 5.37507 17.9142 5L13.5 0.58579C13.1249 0.21071 12.6162 0 12.0858 0H6Z" fill="#868E96"></path><path d="M2.5 9.5V8H0.5V9.5C0.5 11.433 2.067 13 4 13L8 13.0004V14.5004C8 14.7064 8.2352 14.824 8.4 14.7004L11.4667 12.4004C11.7333 12.2004 11.7333 11.8004 11.4667 11.6004L8.4 9.30045C8.2352 9.17685 8 9.29445 8 9.50045V11.0004H4C3.17157 11.0004 2.5 10.3284 2.5 9.5Z" fill="#868E96"></path></svg>`,
      onClick: () => {
        const info = documentViewer.getDocument().getPageInfo(documentViewer.getCurrentPage());
        const width = info.width;
        const height = info.height;
        documentViewer.getDocument().insertBlankPages([Number(documentViewer.getCurrentPage())], width, height);
      title: 'Add Page'

    this.webviewerInstance.UI.setHeaderItems((header: UI.Header) => {


  private handleButtonClick() {

    //TODO: Think of annotation type
    notificationNumber: string,
    status: string,
    annotationTypeNumber: string,
    notificationId: string,
    statusColor: string
  ) {
    if (this.selectedAnnotation.length > 0) {
      const annotation = this.selectedAnnotation[0];
      annotation.setCustomData('notificationNumber', notificationNumber);
      annotation.setCustomData('status', status);
      annotation.setCustomData('annotationTypeNumber', annotationTypeNumber);
      annotation.setCustomData('notificationId', notificationId);
      annotation.setCustomData('statusColor', statusColor);

      // Update the annotation's custom properties in the UI
      this.setCustomProperties(notificationNumber, this.annotationType, annotationTypeNumber, status, statusColor);

  private addEECustomProperties(annotation: Core.Annotations.Annotation) {

    // Set custom properties
    annotation.setCustomData('annotationType', this.annotationType);
    annotation.setCustomData('notificationNumber', this.notificationNumber);
    annotation.setCustomData('status', this.status);
    annotation.setCustomData('exists', this.exists);
    annotation.setCustomData('annotationTypeNumber', this.annotationTypeNumber);
    annotation.setCustomData('notificationId', this.notificationId);
    annotation.setCustomData('statusColor', this.statusColor);

    // Refresh the annotation to ensure properties are applied

    notificationNumber: string,
    annotationType: string,
    annotationTypeNumber: string,
    status: string,
    statusColor: string
  ) {
    console.log('Setting Data:', notificationNumber, annotationType, annotationTypeNumber, status, statusColor);
      buttons: [
          label: `ÄM/${notificationNumber}`,
          onClick: () => this.handleButtonClick(),
          color: '#ff0000'
      annotInfo: { text: `${annotationType} ${annotationTypeNumber}` }

      tag: { text: `${status}`, backgroundColor: `${statusColor}` }

From my console statements, I can’t seem to find the issue. I am willing to share more code and give more context about my setup if needed.