Hello, and thank you for your time. We are having a nasty crash with the PDFTron SDK on iOS, and are in need of help.
Product: PDFTron & PDFTronTools (iOS SDK)
Product Version: v10.9.0.83803
Please give a brief summary of your issue:
PDFTron on iOS is Crashing With Annotations in Documents
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
Given I am viewing a PDF, when adding/updating annotations, then the app may suddenly crash.
The app appeared to manifest as an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, but Apple’s TestFlight crash reporting has revealed deeper insights.
Crash info (Crashlytics):
Crashed: PTAnnotationManager: Annotation Operation Queue (QOS: UNSPECIFIED)
Crash info (TestFlight):
PDFNet 0x106440000
PDFNet 0х106440000
PDFNet 0х106440000
PDFNet 0х106440000
PDFNet TRN_AnnotGetUniquelD
PDFNet ObjCPP_PTAnnot_GetUniquelD
PDFNet 0х106440000
Tools -[PTAnnot (Additions) GetUniquelDAsString]
Tools -[PTAnnotation|dentifiersOperation doesAnnotationNeed|dentifier:]
Tools _83-[PTAnnotationidentifiersOperation ensureldentifiersForAnnotations:inPDFDoc:error:]_block_invoke
PDFNet 0x106440000
PDFNet 0х106440000
Tools -[PTAnnotation|dentifiersOperation ensureldentifiersForAnnotations:inPDFDoc:error:]
Tools -[PTAnnotation|dentifiersOperation main]
Foundation -[NSOperation start]
Device Info:
- Confirmed on iOS/iPadOS 16 and 17, simulators and physical devices
- 100% crashing in foreground
- Crashing is occurring for 4% of our total user base (only a subset of our total user base even uses this feature, so the prevalence is likely higher)
Attempts to Debug:
- We’ve encountered the EXC_BAD_ACCESS during development, but have been unable to reproduce it thus far with Zombie Objects and Address Sanitizer active.
Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible: