Is it possible to convert an in-memory Java multiline string to a PDF?


Product Version: 10.2 Java SDK

I want to convert a java string which is in-memory into a PDF. This string is multi line containing “\n”. Can I convert this into a PDF. I want the result PDF to just contain text and it can be multiple pages as well.

I checked the documentation. Text to PDF only has input file. I unfortunately dont have it in file input. but an inputStream of text content.

Hello. Yes, you can convert an in-memory text file to PDF with the Apryse SDK using the streamingPdfConversion function to convert your string. Here is a Java example for you what will convert a TXT byte array to a PDF document:

public static void ConvertTextInMemory(String InputFile, String Extension) {
        PDFNet.initialize("[YOUR LICENSE KEY HERE]");
        try {
            Path path = Paths.get(InputFile);
            byte[] fileData = Files.readAllBytes(path);
            MemoryFilter memoryFilter = new MemoryFilter(fileData.length, false);
            FilterWriter writer = new FilterWriter(memoryFilter);
            ConversionOptions options = new ConversionOptions();
            DocumentConversion documentConversion = Convert.streamingPdfConversion(memoryFilter, options);
            while (documentConversion.getConversionStatus() == DocumentConversion.e_incomplete) {
            if (documentConversion.getConversionStatus() == DocumentConversion.e_success) {
                PDFDoc out_doc = documentConversion.getDoc();
      "output.pdf", SDFDoc.SaveMode.REMOVE_UNUSED, null);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Converison failed");
        } catch (PDFNetException e) {
		catch (Exception e) {