Left panel clock wise and anti-clock wise rotation event

Product: Web viewer

Product Version:10.12.0

Please give a brief summary of your issue: I want to get event for left panel clockwise & anti clock wise rotation. I have get view control rotation events like this: documentViewer.addEventListener(‘rotationUpdated’, (changes) => {
const pagenumber = documentViewer.getCurrentPage();
const rotation = changes;
pageNumber: pagenumber,
rotation: rotation,
(Think of this as an email subject)

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Hello @rishumishra2001,

Thank you for posting on our forum,

If I understand correctly, you would like to capture the rotation events from the left panel, like when this is clicked:

If so, this can be done by additionally watching the pagesUpdated event. If this event is triggered by a internal page rotation change, then the changes parameter in the callback function will return a rotationChanged array.

For example, you can use the following code snippet:

  documentViewer.addEventListener('rotationUpdated', (changes) => {
    // will listen to changes in viewer rotation
    console.log('rotationUpdated', changes);
  documentViewer.addEventListener('pagesUpdated', (changes) => {
    if (changes.rotationChanged){
      // will listen to changes in internal rotation
      console.log('rotationChanged', changes.rotationChanged);

You can find the relevant API docs here:

Let us know if this works for you!

Best Regards,
Jacob Romano Carlsen
Web Development Support Engineer
Apryse Software Inc.

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