we are using pdftron license and structured output module for conversion of pdf to office documents.
currently using PDFTron 10.6.0 and StructuredOutputLinux lib .
What is the maximum file size limit for document conversion from pdf to ms office?
The largest document I have tried is 101 MB with 1959 pages and it took around 29minutes to process it.
Our requirement is to convert a pdf document to below MS Office types
Documents: doc, docx, docm, odt, dotm, docb
SpreadSheet: xls, xlsx, xlsm, ods, xlt, xlm, xltx, xltm, xlsb, xla, xlam, xll, xlw
Presentation: ppt, pptx, pptm, odp, pot, pps, potx, potm, ppam, ppsx, ppsm, sldx, sldm
We need to know how efficient is conversion to these formats. Any limitations we have on these conversions?