.officeToPDFBuffer returning empty buffer with no UI



Product Version:

webviewer 10.7.3

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.officeToPDFBuffer returning empty buffer with no UI

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
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I am attempting to convert a docx to pdf with no UI. Works fine with webviewer. However with no Ui I get back an empty buffer from .officeToPDFBuffer Confirmed doc.getFileData data is the same for both ui and no ui

including the following js files in build options:


Code is as follows

 Core.createDocument(file, { l: 'demo:' ,  extension : 'docx'})

.then(doc => {

 doc.getFileData().then(data => {

     const buf =  (<any>(
          l: 'demo:',
          extension : 'docx'

      const arr = new Uint8Array( buf);
      const blob1 = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' }); 


.catch(err => { console.log(err) })

Only quick difference between UI and No UI is that UI has fullAPI = true

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:

Hello Travis,

I don’t believe you will need to use fullAPI: true to use the officeToPDFBuffer API. I was able to convert a DOCX file to PDF using our custom UI repo: GitHub - PDFTron/webviewer-custom-ui: Demonstrates how to get started with making your own UI

    Core.createDocument('https://pdftron.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/pl/report.docx', { l: 'demo', extension: 'docx' })
      .then(doc => {
        doc.getFileData().then(async data => {
          const buf = await
              l: 'demo',
              extension: 'docx'
          console.log(buf, 'buf');

          const arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
          const blob1 = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' });
          test = blob1;
          documentViewer.loadDocument(test, {
            filename: 'report.pdf'

I do not get an empty buffer with the above code. officeToPDFBuffer returns a promise, so you should use the async await syntax.


Best Regards,