Options to convert PDF to XPS


For a big PDF document, is there a way to begin to get the result of the translation pdf to xps, before this translation has ended ?

What about the outlines ? Are they preserved?


1- For the big document, is there a way to begin to get the result of the translation

pdf ->xps, before this translation has ended ?

PDFNet comes with two PDF to XPS conversion methods:




both of these produce XPS. The main difference is that ToXod() produces XPS files that are optimized for online viewing (in PDFNet WebViewer http://www.pdftron.com/pdfnet/webviewer/demo.html), whereas ToXps() generates content optimized for print.

ToXod() supports incremental conversion and streaming (see WebViewerStreaming sample in PDFNet SDK), but ToXps() does not support streaming.

2- What about the outlines ?

Both of the above conversion methods preserve PDF bookmarks and links, which are stored in document structure XML part.