Q: We are going to use PDFNet library in our products to validate and convert PDF/A documents. It is required for the creation and validation of qualified electronic signature according to our government legislation.
We will need to have some guarantee, that PDF/A document validated or created by PDFTron library is according to ISO defined PDF/A-1b requirements. The auditor of our application will ask us for the guarrante.
Similar problem we catch in the article: http://www.ditec.sk/upload/ftp_client/Ditec-PDFTron.pdf
Please could you write me, how we should demonstrate the harmony between ISO defined PDF/A-1b requirements and it’s implementation in PDFNet Library.
A: PDF/A Compliance (‘pdftron.PDF.PDFA.PDFACompliance’) class validates for all conditions outlined in PDF/A-1 specification.
To verify compliance with the spec we test against Isartor Test Suite (http://www.pdfa.org/2011/08/download-isartor-test-suite/) and a number of other test suites. PDFTron has achieved top accuracy in the market (http://kost-ceco.ch/cms/index.php?pdfa_validatoren_de; btw the article is outdated and the current accuracy is 99%).
Now there is no ‘perfect’ PDF/A validator/converter out there. Most are just scratching the surface of the full PDF spec (i.e. only conditions outlined in PDF/A Spec) which still abounds with ambiguities.