Product: WebViewer
Product Version: 10.10.1
Please give a brief summary of your issue: pdf with imported arc annotation xfdf does not render correctly
Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
I used latest webViewer demo sample from
- download and extract to webViewer folder
- go to webViever\samples\viewing\viewing\viewing.js
- change it as follows:
const WebViewerConstructor = isWebComponent() ? WebViewer.WebComponent : WebViewer;
path: '../../../lib',
initialDoc: '',
licenseKey: 'xxx',
).then(instance => {
document.getElementById('select').onchange = e => {
document.getElementById('file-picker').onchange = e => {
const file =[0];
if (file) {
document.getElementById('url-form').onsubmit = e => {
const {documentViewer} = instance.Core;
documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', () => {
function registerAnnotationListeners(instance) {
const {annotationManager} = instance.Core;
annotationManager.addEventListener("annotationChanged", (annotations, action, { imported }) => {
if (annotations[0] instanceof instance.Core.Annotations.ArcAnnotation) {
setTimeout(() => {
exportAnn(annotationManager, annotations);
}, 1000);
function exportAnn(annotationManager, annotations) {
annotList: annotations,
widgets: true,
fields: true,
links: true,
useDisplayAuthor: true,
generateInlineAppearances: true
}).then( txt => console.log(txt));
run ‘npm install’
run ‘npm start’
in browser go to http://localhost:3000/samples/viewing/viewing/
open test.pdf
in webViewer drop-down select Measure
select arcAnnotation
add annotation
go to JS console
copy paste xfdf output into text.xfdf file
open test.pdf in adobe reader
drag and drop test.xfdf into adobe reader window
specify test.pdf as source pdf file
observe opened xfdf - arc annotation is ok
go to menu → save as → test-xfdf-merged.pdf
open test-xfdf-merged.pdf in adobe to make sure that arc annotation is present
open test-xfdf-merged.pdf
no annotation is visible
I’ve attached also test2-merged-using-java-api.pdf It’s same file but merged with same xfdf programmatically, using pdfTron java lib. It also rendered incorrectly but in a different way