PDFNet Text Shadow and font style problems when Converting PPTX to PDF


Product Version:
1.PDFTron.NET (.net 6 and with DisableGDI key in licence)
2. OS Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit
3 .NET 6 Framework

Please give a brief summary of your issue:
(Think of this as an email subject)

PDFTron custom font not applied correctly

Please describe your issue and provide steps to reproduce it:
(The more descriptive your answer, the faster we are able to help you)

We used PDFTron to convert pptx, to XOD. But in documents with custom font, it not applied correctly (no shadow, wrong direction and size)

  1. example

  2. code

Please provide a link to a minimal sample where the issue is reproducible:

Hi Dmitry,

When using a custom font, you need to specifically embed the font within the resulting PDF, otherwise it the converter will find a similar font and replace it instead. You can find more info on how to embed a font here: