Please give a brief summary of your issue: How to add custom anotation? I want to add an annotation whose icon is the location pin.
Hi. I’m currently working on a React Native project where I need to customize PDF annotations by adding specific annotation whose icon should be the “location-pin” and when annotated using the same, the annotated area should be marked with the location pin.
We are trying to launch this product soon. Kindly let us know the feasibility.
We have some information and guides on working with annotations for iOS and Android including customizing annotation appearances. Please take a look at these guides, they should be what you are looking for.
is it possible to connect over a call? we have purchased your license. We are facing few issues with adding custom icons and we are running on tight deadline.
It is preferred to handle cases that might require a conference call via our support portal, not via the forums. Please go to Support : Apryse and open a support ticket here so we can assist you further.