PDFTron React-native, how to add custom annotation?

Product: PDFTron React Native for Android and iOS

Product Version: 3.0.4-4

Please give a brief summary of your issue: How to add custom anotation? I want to add an annotation whose icon is the location pin.

Hi. I’m currently working on a React Native project where I need to customize PDF annotations by adding specific annotation whose icon should be the “location-pin” and when annotated using the same, the annotated area should be marked with the location pin.

We are trying to launch this product soon. Kindly let us know the feasibility.

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We have some information and guides on working with annotations for iOS and Android including customizing annotation appearances. Please take a look at these guides, they should be what you are looking for.

iOS Guide: iOS PDF Annotation Library | Apryse documentation

Android Guide: Android PDF SDK Guides | Apryse documentation

Let us know if you have any questions.

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we are migrating to the new architecture, will this native module integration supported in the new architecure?

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Can you provide additional details on what you what platform/architecture you are you migrating to?

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is it possible to connect over a call? we have purchased your license. We are facing few issues with adding custom icons and we are running on tight deadline.

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It is preferred to handle cases that might require a conference call via our support portal, not via the forums. Please go to Support : Apryse and open a support ticket here so we can assist you further.

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